First Years: Gossip, Bets, and the Cold Hard Truth.

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Didn't expect to have this out so soon but heyyyy almost double!


Song Kang was dumbfounded when he saw her after all of the commotion had died down.

He hadn't seen her in almost twelve years, he couldn't believe it. To find her at Hogwarts, of all places. He watched her instead of the proceedings the entire time.

As soon as Hermione had taken Professor Suzy out of the great hall, Kang approached the woman. He watched her tense.

"Judging by the panic in your eyes, you remember me?" Kang asked her in amusement.

"Who would forget an old fling that turned out to become a superstar quidditch player." She quipped. "Your face is plastered everywhere. Not to mention you haven't aged a bit. You still look around twenty years old to me."

"So, judging by the fact you never came back or sent me an owl to tell me how you were doing and I haven't seen you for twelve years, I'm assuming you finally found yourself?" Kang continued teasing her.

"Oh please, don't tell me you're not over me even after all of this time?"

"I'll admit, I was distraught for a while, but I happily met the love of my life afterwards, thanks to you actually. So I wanted to thank you for breaking my heart and never speaking to me again because now I have a lovely wife and a beautiful daughter." Kang said with that same charming grin she remembered.

At first it made her cringe that he was so easy going, so happy all the time. It helped that he was handsome and eventually she was able to get past the fact he was just so damn loving. Love was not something she'd ever had in her life.

"Good for you, and, you're welcome." She said easily. "What exactly are you doing here?"

"Oh, right. I'm not sure if you know who Sirius Black is?"

"Doesn't ring a bell at all." She said sarcastically.

Kang laughed.

"Right, how silly of me. Well, turns out I'm that legend's son. I never got around to telling you that bit before you ran off on me."

"You don't say. Sirius Black had a son?"

"I swear, you can ask my mom. I'd introduce you but, I think that's twelve years too late." Kang giggled.

"Still a momma's boy then."

"Forever and always. She raised me on her own, she left everything behind just to protect me. Her family and her dreams included and even when she found out that it had all been unnecessary and in vain she didn't regret it. She's always said she'd do it again even though her life didn't go the way she had hoped. I can only hope to be that good of a father."

"I'm sure you're doing just great with your, one daughter you said? Only child?"

"Yeah. Hoyeon. Now that we've moved back she'll start here next year. My wife and I decided on Hogwarts. After what happened to the Akademi a couple years after I left, it's still chaos. I don't want to risk it."

"Lucky you had left by then."

"I know. No one can really figure out what exactly that witch even wanted to destroy so much and kill those professors, and that poor student. It seemed senseless. My old potions master said he didn't think they even took anything. It's like they just went in there to murder innocent people."

"I'm sure they had their reasons."


She shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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