First Years: Unforgivable Curses

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Lisa ran out of the chamber too, following Jennie. The other girls were not far behind.

"Jennie!!" Lisa yelled, her heart dropping as she heard Jennie's screams a few minutes later, she had lost her, not knowing which direction Jennie took after she left the chamber but she could hear her. Lisa had clearly gone in the same direction.

"No Nini!" Lisa yelled again as she heard the screams continue. She sprinted harder, following the sounds, feeling frustrated that the tunnels were basically a maze. She needed to get to her. Now. Jennie was clearly in an insane amount of pain, based on those screams.

"Oh no oh no oh no." Rosie said to herself as she ran just as hard, a few paces behind Lisa. She was freaking out as she thought about what Jennie had almost done to herself earlier and she was already fearing the worst.

"The hell is happening?" Jisoo said in worry, keeping pace with Rosie, incredibly alert as they followed Lisa. Jisoo's heart was hammering. She wasn't one to normally get scared, but she felt so much dread because Jennie was probably even less likely to get scared than her, and that was saying a lot, and she was even less likely to scream or show weakness, and right now those screams sounded awful to Jisoo. Whatever was going on to make Jennie scream so awfully did not bode well.

They ended up in an almost pitch black part of a tunnel. They could barely see. Lisa of course made it first, since she had been the first to run and had also sprinted the hardest. The other two couldn't have hoped to catch up. Lisa saw the silhouette of a small Jennie suspended in the air as her body contorted painfully.

Lisa didn't even pause to hesitate, she raised her wand as she ran towards her and screamed "Protego!" Trying to block whatever curse was being sent to her.

If Lisa had stopped to think, she would have admitted that it had been her most powerful and biggest shield charm she had ever conjured by far, but she couldn't think, because Jennie was still screaming. "Why the fuck isn't it working?!" Lisa yelled desperately as she kept her wand up, aiming the shield and continued running to Jennie.

"It's an unforgivable curse Lisa. I think it's the Cruciatus curse." Jisoo said panting, the other two had just caught up and took in the scene. "That charm doesn't work on a curse like that. It has to be one of the stronger ones I think. I don't even know if those work on that curse either to be honest."

"I think only Protego Horribilis could work, but I can't cast it." Rosie said, panting too. "Mama Mione said simple works too though, we don't always have to do powerful magic to win. Harry beat Voldemort with Expelliarmus after all." Rosie reasoned.

That gave Jisoo an idea, she raised her wand up too. "Lumos Solem!" Jisoo shouted, the tip of her wand emitted a strong, blinding light and Jisoo pointed it to the opposite side of the tunnel, figuring that's where the person cursing Jennie must be, considering they came from the other way.

Both Jisoo and Rosie looked around to find the culprit. Lisa went straight to Jennie, who started falling to the ground as soon as Jisoo had done the spell. Lisa figured the bright light from Jisoo's wand blinded the other person and it broke their concentration enough that they released Jennie from the curse.

Rosie was sure she got a glimpse of a woman with curly hair and dark robes running away, taking a side tunnel but she didn't chase her, they were too preoccupied with Jennie.

"Nini!" Lisa shouted, barely catching her as she fell. Jennie wasn't heavy, but she fell with such force that Lisa fell too, Jennie landed so hard on top of her that it knocked the wind out of Lisa.

"Nini you're hurt." Lisa said as she tried to catch her breath. She was on the verge of crying as she held Jennie, who had a sheen of sweat from the strain of the spell.

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