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September 1st 1971

Morgan Eris Gaunt was disappointed to say the least.
The fact that her parents had walked into her room just when she was trying to stuff all her books on dark magic into her trunk, with lots of difficulty given that there were quite a lot of them, was unfortunate.

"Morgan, how many times have we told you? You can't bring them with you" Said her mother taking the book she was holding in her hands from her.

"Don't you think it's quite hypocritical of you to give them to me, make me learn all that stuff and then take them away, mother?" Retorted the girl crossing her arms.

"Watch it, Morgan" Said her father, looking at her with disapproval. Although the witch knew he didn't really mind, they were used to her being.. well her.

Her parents, Alexis and Morvian Gaunt were very important people in the magical world, ergo so was their daughter.

The House of Gaunt had once been a big family, all of them wealthy and important with their own purpose in the world, but still together contributing to the greatness of the house all the same. Given, they were all a mess. To popular belief a lot of them were crazy, or something like that, due to the inbreeding, thank god they had stopped with that tradition a few generations back, but it was still gross.

The Gaunts married each other's cousins with the sole purpose of keeping the bloodline pure. Keep it in the family, you know. Yeah there was the whole hating muggles thing as a reason, but also so they could keep the blood of their ancestries like Cadmus Peverell, which was really cool in Morgan 's opinion, and Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts, which was even cooler, running.

They all thought they were gods, but in the girl's opinion, they were imbeciles, the family as a whole had a liking for grandeur and lack of sense which led them to nearly empty their vaults.
But at some point, let's say, like a hundred years ago, they rebuilt themselves, they got smarter and took over the magical society all over again.

That's where Morgan liked to believe the actual greatness started.
Unfortunately with the years the family wasn't as big, her grandfather was Morpheo Gaunt, he had a brother who went crazy like all the rest, and a sister, Merope, who was disowned and died, so no relatives there. Or at least that's what the family books said.

Morpheo married and then his only son, Morgan 's father, was born, then he married her mother Alexis, who came from a very ancient family herself.

Not like Morgan was mad at being the sole heir to literally everything, so she was fine with the craziness of it all.

But what she wasn't fine with was leaving her precious books behind, how was she supposed to keep going with her studies if she didn't have them? She was about to start her whole over dramatic, but effective if she said so herself, speech on why she needed them for the fourth time already, but apparently her parents saw it in her face and so Alexis lifted her hand as a sign to tell her to shut up.

"We told you ten times already that they are illegal, sweetie, so get over it, you'll read when you're back for Christmas" said her mother. "I know you like them and all, but you can't get caught with them, especially with that blood traitor for a headmaster at school you'll have to endure"

When the girl came to terms with the fact that her mother was not going to be swayed, she turned to her father with a pout, after all she was a bit of a weak spot for him.

Her father rolled his eyes and sighed "Fine you know what? You can take two of them and I'll put a spell on them so no one but you can read them"

In reality they could just do it with all of them, but as much as they loved their daughter, they weren't convinced she would control herself and wouldn't just start doing dark shit like all of her, oh so fun experiments, as she called them, at Hogwarts. They didn't mind, they all practiced the dark arts, and started teaching her at a young age, but they wouldn't be at Hogwarts to do damage control, so it was a big no.

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