Chapter 28

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December 19th, 1975.

"So, what should we do during the holidays?" Morgan asked everyone around her as she sat up and leaned her back against a tree. "I was thinking you should definitely come over one day and we can go to the lake," then she shook her head as if with a better idea and added with an excited smile. "Or maybe we can all get our arses down to the Caribean and escape the cold for a while."

That option definitely was more enjoyable than the practically frozen lake of her house. Not much tanning would be happening there. The cold breeze from the Black lake hit her in the face and made her shiver. They all had skipped lunch and decided to go get some air before the train ride that afternoon. Terrible choice. They all looked miserable with their whole bodies frozen to near death while sitting in the grass.

The group of Slytherins were the only ones outside. Ophelia was being hugged by Nott, trying to keep her warm. Which only made Morgan scowl. She had stopped third-wheeling them a while ago... But she still wasn't over their relationship. She kept her mouth shut about it though. Ophelia did not appreciate her thoughts on it.

Lestrange and Mulciber were across from her and trying to keep everyone warm with some spells. Once in a while they really looked like caring and thoughtful people. Avery was with his head on Morgan's lap which she had been speechless about for a second when he first did it but had decided to not say anything. They were having a nice moment and she didn't want to ruin it with her drama. He would have never done something like that when Evan, his best friend, was in the picture and sort of involved with her. But now that she had cast him out... well, the vultures didn't waste any time.

She knew, of course she did, that even if the boys saw her as a friend, they would, undoubtedly, try something with her if they saw the chance. And not because she was completely dashing and a charm to have around. She was, though, thank you very much. But rather because from the moment she was born all their parents had set their eyes on her. A Gaunt, only heir to the fortune and position, pureblood... They would love nothing more. And Morgan knew how incredibly deep ran the need for all of her friends to get their parents' approval. So that was that. And she didn't blame them. She understood.

But just like she hadn't wanted a relationship with Evan, she sure as hell didn't want one with any of them. The witch only hoped Avery would realize that before it got ugly. She wasn't interested in losing any more friends. The Evan thing... She did what anyone would've done. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt a little. After the anger passed, only the lingering pain stayed. And that was that.

The reply from Nott got her to concentrate on the present again. "I don't think we'll have much time to go to the fucking Caribbean, Mor," He chuckled.

"A day won't hurt..." She shrugged with a pout.

"You know how Christmas break always is," Mulciber started with a sigh, not looking too happy, "Dinners almost every day. Your ball. Bloody tea. Ten other more balls. And some brunches. Did I mention the fucking tea? They're not holidays at all,"

Yeah, she knew that. And also knew skipping any of that would render them all in trouble.

"Plus, we also have a wedding this time around," Rabastan pointed out with a bored expression from just thinking about it. "Courtesy of my brother."

Morgan groaned, she had totally erased Bella and Rudolph's wedding from her mind. "At least we can all get drunk together."

Finally, that was something they all agreed on.

"I can spare a day for a shopping spree if you want," Ophelia offered giving her a half smile before turning her attention back to the boy hugging her from behind her.

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