Chapter 39

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December 29th, 1975.

"With how everyone's looking at us, you'd think we're the ones getting married," Sirius whispered to the witch who was walking beside him, their arms intertwined together.

"Everyone thinks we are. At some point," Morgan told him with a fake smile plastered on her face as they walked through the place.

They were in a beautiful church outside of London where the ceremony would take place. Morgan and Sirius had met up a few blocks away and walked in together like the happy couple everyone thought they were. Morgan was wearing a soft pink silk dress that made her look like an innocent, beautiful girl. Until you looked up and were greeted by those smart eyes and cunning, wicked smirk. Which made her all the more enticing, in Sirius' opinion.

Sirius had tried skipping the wedding, but his parents made it perfectly clear that if he wanted to keep staying with the Potters and Morgan, which was a blatant lie, he still needed to attend all the endeavors of pureblood society. Which landed his arse with a suit in a church. At least, there'd be alcohol at the reception. He still hadn't come across anyone from his family, but seeing as a member of it was getting married, he knew his luck would run dry sooner rather than later. Sirius could spot the platinum blonde heads of the Malfoys up front talking to Bellatrix and Narcissa's parents. When Cissa and fucking Lucius got married, Sirius was sure, would be soon. The Notts, the Averys, the Mulcibers... every single pureblood family was at the wedding.

Morgan went around trying to avoid having to talk to people, but many came to greet her anyway. It was hilarious seeing her being a total charm to everyone and cursing them right after they left. She was in no mood and Sirius wondered why. He'd asked but she'd said some cryptic stuff about magical training and magical secrets going on at her house that made him very thankful he wasn't staying at Gaunt Manor anymore. But he was very aware that Morgan was in one of those states where if you poked her a little too much, she'd go off. And he knew just how many things that day could do that. Probably he was a candidate, to be honest.

"There's your family," Morgan pointed out with a tilt of her head towards the front seats of the church. "Do you want to show your presence now, or..."

"Later," he agreed but didn't get to say much else when Mrs. Lestrange came to greet them.

"Morgan, Sirius," she nodded at them and Morgan smiled at the woman politely. Back on character. "You two make such a wonderful pair,"

"Thank you, Mrs. Lestrange, I am a lucky lad indeed," he replied with a charming smile and a hand on Morgan's waist that would have her endlessly teasing him later.

"Mrs. Lestrange, the place looks beautiful," Morgan started as she pretended to look around. "I can't wait to see the reception,"

"Oh, yes. It's even better," she agreed, and getting a bit closer to them with a lower tone, she asked. "Are your parents still outside, Morgan? Or are they running late?"

Oh, she'd get disappointed real soon. Sirius tried to hide his smile.

"They're not coming, actually." Morgan started with an apologetic shrug of her shoulders. "Something came up, but they told me to deliver their apologies for not being able to make it,"

"Oh," the disappointed sound of the woman was quickly covered up with a strained smile and quick goodbyes. Morgan, undeniably, getting rid of the woman.

"Something came up?" Sirius asked.

"They're fed up with these idiots. For the holidays at least. And they use me to not look as bad so I had to attend. I also had to come because I promised my friends and because I'm supposed to be your date. When I became such a good person, I don't know but I do know it's exhausting," she shrugged as if her ranting was normal and didn't wait for a reaction before she took Sirius' hand, dragging him along. Was the girl on Crack or something? "Come on, I want to talk to Bellatrix now. During the reception, I won't be able to get her to talk to me in private without it being suspicious,"

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