Chapter 29

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December 19th, 1975.

Sirius had to contain the need to throw up the moment he landed in Grimmauld Place. Why the apparations his father did were always so tumultuous he'd never know. But he had a feeling it was done on purpose, like everything he did. Sirius didn't show any of the displeasure on his face as he looked around the hall. It looked like it always did. Everything was in pristine condition, gleaming under the light the crystal chandeliers provided. Elegance and opulence at every turn, the several portraits of his ancestors hanging on every wall. He knew this house well, and he wished he could burn it all to the ground.

"To my study, boy." His father commanded and Sirius didn't have any doubt it was directed at him.

Regulus glanced at him, his worry evident. Sirius was glad all the attention was on him so they wouldn't notice the misery in his brother's face. The older Black gave him an almost imperceptible nod, reassuring him. With his hands behind his back and the calm he had forced himself to manage, he made his way upstairs. He could hear his mother ushering Regulus to his room, probably to stop him from hearing what would happen in that study.

He only had a minute to recollect himself, to trick his body into utter stillness before both his parents burst inside. His father took a seat behind his desk while his wife took a stand at his side. Sirius didn't sit on the sofa nearby. Instead, he stood tall in front of them, his back stiffened while they inspected him. Her mother looked at him up and down with clear distaste at his clothes choices. Sirius took a moment to take her in too. Her black hair, now stained with silver, was pulled back in a clean bun. Her elegant dress was all black with embroidered details, and numerous pieces of jewelry that were a little too much. Her face was calm, for the first time in forever, which eased Sirius a little. He glanced at the hand she had on his husband's shoulder, the wedding band shining there. An almost identical one to his father's. They were both pieces of shit, so that was probably what maintained them united. Or maybe being second cousins helped to the bonding. Who the fuck knows. Sirius was glad that tradition had, mostly, died out. Because he was in no rush to marry any of his stupid cousins.

"You look exactly like those mudbloods, son." Her mother clicked her tongue while shaking her head.

"What else can you expect, Walburga?" His father started, his eyes pierced on Sirius', but talking as if he wasn't there. "That house of his is full of that scum."

"I know. Starting with those friends of his." She sighed as if distressed. "What a disgrace."

Sirius was clenching his fists behind his back while trying to keep his face impassive. Not letting them get to him. But get to him they did. He hated them. Hated that they talked about his friends, his brothers, like they were nothing. They were nothing to them. Not worthy of their respect. Sirius had to keep reminding himself about playing the part. About being good. Just for a while. He could do it.

So unclenching his teeth, that would break if he kept at it, he said with a cool voice. "I'm sorry if my company is not to your taste. I shall try to-"

"Don't bother with the act." His father snapped, seeing right through his words. Which was understandable, they sounded foreign and pathetic to even himself. Walburga glared at his husband for his outburst. That left both father and son baffled.

His mother gave him a strained smile, that looked like that of a snake about to pounce. "We know you're trying to get back in the good graces of the right people, Sirius."

He definitely wasn't. That was just her delusions talking. At the confused expression Sirius couldn't hide, she sighed, annoyed.

"Like I said in our letter, what you're doing with the Gaunt Heir is very pleasing to us." She explained and added, her face glowing with the prospect of her words. "We believe with her sudden interest in you, we might finally get the betrothment agreement with her parents."

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