Chapter 9

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September 30th, 1975.

Morgan had found the map on Sirius' jacket, and after the thing started throwing insults at her like a pro, she decided that a little bit of investigation on it wouldn't hurt. Plus, she was drunk, and a piece of paper telling her that she was an abomination was pretty hilarious for her brain.

After sneaking back into her dorm, she passed out on her bed, but that didn't stop her from waking up earlier than usual to crack the artifact. She had skipped breakfast and had to rush through her morning routine, but finally got past the map defenses and found out all its secrets.

It was brilliant. A way of knowing where everyone was at all times. How they had come up with it was beyond her. Although she had to agree the marauders were not as stupid as she originally thought, Morgan wasn't ready to start praising them anytime soon.

That morning after the hours she spent on the map, which she didn't regret, puzzles, riddles, spells, anything that presented a mystery to crack was a rush for her after all, Morgan received a letter from her parents wishing her a happy birthday that came along with a gift.

This time, not wanting to risk losing another family heirloom, she had opened the finely crafted box immediately and found inside what could only be described as a huge disappointment.

It was a book.

Now, don't get her wrong. She absolutely loved books. Thing is, there was nothing special about this one. It was one of those books on Hogwarts history you could find in any bookstore, and that was produced by thousands at a time.

She didn't know it for sure, but it looked that way. Clean edges, white sheets of paper, and a cheap cover. Nothing ancient or compelling about it. Except for the dedication on the front.

1943. Figure it out.

That was cryptic and annoying. Gaunt fashion, some might call it.

Seeing as it was her birthday and she was in no mood for her parents' little games, the girl crafted a short response. Three words that expressed her thoughts to perfection and sent it home with the family owl that had been still waiting by the window.

What the fuck?

Your not very pleased daughter,


That didn't stop her from enjoying her day though, Morgan adored her birthday more than it was probably normal or acceptable. A day all dedicated to her? She was in. Needless to say that when she was old enough to understand that probably millions of people on the planet shared the same date, that little girl was enraged and a window was broken just from her angry magic.

After transfiguration her day went on as usual, she had charms and care of magical creatures, classes that were not her favorite, but luckily didn't absolutely suck. During lunch she escaped the great hall claiming she wasn't hungry and spent some time practicing the patronus charm in anticipation of the full moon that was merely a couple of days away. She was getting there, she could feel it. Never had a spell been so hard for her to accomplish which enraged her just a little bit. It's not like she was an unhappy soulless person, no matter how much Sirius liked to claim, and still it was hard.

Instead of dining at the great hall, she and his friends had dinner by the lake, a surprise provided by Rosier whose birthday present for her had been a shagging in a broom closet earlier that afternoon. Romantic. If that's how he treated a girl, poor him, the boy was doomed. She didn't care though, it's not like she had been any better.

When it was already ten, the group of Slytherins went to prepare the Room for the party while Morgan and Ophelia rushed to their dorm in order to get ready. When they got there, they were faced with their other two roommates, Rowena Rowle and Lysandra Carrow, who were already in their outfits for the night.

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