Chapter 43

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January 13th, 1976.

Morgan looked at herself in the mirror and tilted her head to the side, lost in thought. Should she go for green like a good Gaunt or black because the day was awful and was making her depressed and so she should match? The outfits hanging in her arms made her frown. Tough choice. One that she'd be making much easier if she didn't have to bear the constant presence of her roommates in her room. Seriously, she'd suck it up at every slugh party for the rest of her school years if he just gave her a single room. Hogwarts was enormous, he could surely get away with it.

"I'd go with black, you know?" A honey-like voice that made Morgan grind her teeth together said. "Kind of poetic if you think about it. You know... after losing the other Black,"

"Do you ever think the things you say before you say them?" Mor asked, looking at Lysandra who was sprawled in her bed through the mirror. "Because honestly, they just show how much of an idiot you are,"

"Yeah, yeah. Because you are sooo smart," the girl rolled her eyes and Morgan let out a sharp sigh. Why did she have to deal with this today? "So he's free now, I take it,"

Morgan dropped the clothes to the floor and turned so fast that she almost fell. Was this girl freaking kidding her? She bit the inside of her cheek and kept the cool. "I mean, it's not like you really care whether a boy is free or not. So I'm not sure what it changes for you here,"

"Oh, yeah. About that-"

"I don't care, Lysandra," Morgan immediately cut her off, and the little smile that the girl did made Morgan click her tongue. She wasn't an idiot. The girl was clearly taunting her and Mor was letting her. Why? Well, because yeah. She thought Sirius had cheated on Morgan with her. As if. She wanted to strangle that cunt. All feminism left her body when it came to this one.

"So, you two broke up because of me?" Carrow asked while twirling her red hair. "What a pity. You two were a perfect pair. I mean, everyone seemed to think so,"

"And let me guess... you didn't?" Morgan rolled her eyes and took the flask on her bedside table, taking a big gulp of vodka. She had to get drunk with Ophelia and Reg, tradition. And a much-appreciated one. "And by the way, no. We did not break up because of some classless little girl who is so insecure she relishes in ruining other people's lives,"

"So I ruined your life?" She beamed and chuckled. "Man, am I good?"

Okay, she was dead. Morgan lifted her hand to do something-what? She wasn't sure-but Ophelia burst into the room with a big smile on her face and crushed Morgan as she threw herself at her. "It's Slugh night! Good food and drinks and making fun of everyone. I'm so ready,"

"Yeah, yeah, I just have to-" Morgan tried to get rid of Lia's crushing hug but she must have seen her murderous glare and who it was directed at because Lia held her even tighter.

"Don't, just breathe. She's not worth it," Ophelia said with her big sad eyes that said she didn't want her best friend to go to Azkaban for doing what Morgan very much wanted to do to Lysandra.

"I can't breathe if you keep crushing me, Lia," Morgan complained, trying to get away from her friend, who finally complied after a few tries.

"I'm not worth it? Rude," Carrow got up from her bed in a swift movement and winked at the girls. "I'll leave you two alone. I have things to do,"

"I hope suicide is among those things. But I don't think I'm that lucky," Morgan shrugged unbothered.

"Morgan!" Ophelia smacked her in the arm. "Sorry, Lysandra. Have a good evening,"

The redhead didn't linger and was out of the room in seconds. Well, then. Depressing black it was after that talking combo made her feel even gloomier.

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