Chapter 8

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September 30th, 1975.

Sirius woke up feeling like his head was about to explode, wanting to run to the bathroom because he was about to puke his guts out. Except that running would have taken too much energy he didn't have, especially when he realized that he wasn't even in his room.

Sirius was sprawled on the sofa of the Gryffindor common room, and seeing as he was sharing with Remus, the boy's feet were practically touching Sirius' face, when he tried to move them all he got was a kick in the face from his friend.

James and Peter were hugging each other and sleeping on the floor, which got a loud chuckle out of Sirius, and so another kick from Remus, who was mumbling something about baby wolves and god knows what else, was delivered.

It was early in the morning, but everyone would start coming down from their rooms in no time for breakfast. Either that or it was already super late, and they had all left. Left having seen them all looking like idiots, it wouldn't be the first time, though.

The boy grabbed a cushion and, with extreme precision, threw it in James face. That resulted in James jumping from the floor scared, Peter hitting his head on the floor because his pillow, aka James, was gone, and Remus waking up startled because of the commotion.

Sirius laughed at the chain of events, but winced when everything started spinning once he tried to get up. "Sorry to interrupt your magnificent sleep, especially you two," started the boy pointing at James and Peter, "looked like you were enjoying it."

"How did we even get here?" Asked James while trying to find his glasses. He had been definitely the drunkest of them all last night, especially after the shot competition he was so inclined on winning.

Remus tossed the pair of glasses he had found on the floor to the boy and dropped his head on a cushion, mumbling. "Why won't stuff stop moving?"

"I remember running for our lives, but not much after that," offered Peter, grabbing his head with a wince.

Remus nodded and gave James a dirty look, "Because someone pissed off some very big and threatening man."

James scoffed with indignation on his face, "I was just having a chat with him about a very good business opportunity."

"Oh please, I'm sure a dying cat can sing better than you," shot back Lupin.

"How dare you?!" exclaimed the bespectacled boy, throwing himself at Remus, but not getting far because Peter grabbed him from his shirt and so James just fell on his face.

"Prongs, I love you, but Remus here would end you in no time." Intervened Sirius amused.

"Oh, so now I sing badly and can't fight?"

"No, I mean yes to the first part, but then Remus is just way too strong, you know, furry little problem superpowers," answered Peter logically.

James tried to appear mad, but it didn't last long, "I remember after our perfect escape from that pub from hell we kept walking all the way back to Hogsmeade and at some point there was a dare or drink situation. As if we hadn't drunk enough already."

"So that's why I'm wearing Morgan's shirt," concluded Sirius to himself, crop tops didn't look half as bad on him, though. He looked at the boys alarmed after a couple of seconds, "Wait, Gaunt did come back to the castle, didn't she?"

Remus cursed, and James started panicking about leaving his new BSFF god knows where.

"What does that even mean?" asked Remus, confused.

James looked at his friends with a content grin, "Best Slytherin friend forever."

"Oh yes, because she would absolutely love that." Said Peter, his words dripping with sarcasm.

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