Chapter 30

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A/N: Double update, make sure to read chapter 29 first.

December 19th, 1975.

"Morvian, Alexis." Mrs. Black greeted with a cheerfulness that was a big contrast to the rotten soul of the woman. "Welcome. Please come in."

"Walburga, my friend," Alexis smiled warmly, her sour disposition from earlier transforming into the charming woman before her. "We thank you for the invitation. It was kind of you."

"Well, we really wanted you all here." Mrs. Black replied as she closed the door behind her.

"We gathered that after so many letters, Walburga." Morvian didn't pretend to be happy to be there. He was all coolness and boredom. Not appreciating of their demands.

The dynamic with the three of them was the usual. Alexis was all charm and poise, the epitome of grace and good side of the Gaunts. Morvian was all pureblood arrogance and danger. The face many feared and trembled in front of. A good balance. But nowhere in sight was the father who had been taunting her all afternoon or the mother who was as deadly, if not more, as her husband.

And Morgan... well, she was a mix. And one that didn't appreciate being fucking ignored by this old hag.

"Mrs. Black the house looks lovely." Morgan drawled as she made her way across the hall of the entrance without waiting to be invited to do so. "Although it is always rather disgusting to have to pass through all the muggle garbage outside."

She didn't mean it. She hated even saying those words. But she knew they would strike home. Her father let out a chuckle and nodded in appreciation.

Walburga's eye nearly twitched but she kept her strained smile in place. Most parents would reprimand their kids if they insulted someone like that. So Morgan knew that her father's approval and amusement at the woman's expense was making her see red.

They always lacked a firm hand, but I'm sure a husband is just what that girl needs to get her in line.

Morgan would never forget the words in the letter Walburga had sent Sirius. If she already hated his parents so much because of everything Reg told her, that had only made them permanent enemies.

"It's an ancient and powerful home, Morgan." She started with annoyance. "The outside of it is for protection. A smart idea of our ancestors."

"You need muggles to protect you... Noted" the young girl shot back with an innocent smile as she turned around dismissing the woman.

Morgan always took the opportunity to make these people burn with fury. They would always dismiss her as a spoiled brat who backed her words with her powerful last name. She was happy to fit in with that conception if it allowed her to tell people like the Blacks what she thought of them.

Morgan's mother waved a hand at her words and laughed as she shook her head at Mrs. Black. "My daughter tends to speak her mind freely. You'll have to forgive her rashness, my friend."

Morgan contained her laugh. Alexis was the better actress of them all and it showed. The two women walked together as they discussed the latest on pureblood society. Morgan and her father were ahead of them, he winked at her but then he mouthed, Behave.

They went to a room that was attached to the dining room for drinks. Morgan didn't see a single elf around but knew they were responsible for the trays of appetizers and the glasses being constantly filled back up when they were empty. Bella, Cissa, and their parents were nowhere in sight which made her scowl. Those two fuckers said they'd be here in the invitation. Narcissa had never shared much with Morgan but Bella had. So the prospect of having a girl to talk to would have made the dinner a tad more enjoyable. But the only ones in sight were Orion, who immediately went to receive her father as they engaged in conversation, and Regulus.

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