Chapter 22

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November 3rd, 1975.

Morgan was afraid that one of the boys hadn't grabbed the book in time. Or worse, that they didn't hold on to it tight enough during the travel and now she needed to attend a funeral. Black was definitely her color, but explaining the whole thing to the authorities would be a real pain in the arse.

Thank Merlin, though, after landing in London, the girl did a recount and everyone was there. Remus was in a corner throwing up. But they were there.

"A warning would've been nice," He said after regaining his whole stature shooting her daggers with his eyes.

"I did warn you," she defended herself with an amused smile.

"Yeah, those five seconds of awareness were a real treat. Thanks, Gaunt," jumped in Sirius, whom Morgan completely ignored.

Peter went to grab the book/way back home, but the witch pushed his hand away and got the book out of reach behind her back. Pete gave her a questioning look, "I was just going to put it in my pack. You're not carrying... anything,"

"Oh, right," she chuckled and gave it to him. The records were inside the book, but Peter didn't have any reason to even want to open a book if it wasn't for forced studying, so she agreed before it became a whole thing. She had to stop getting freaked out over these things. She was always worried about someone discovering something she didn't want them to. Like earlier that day with Salazar's diary. Morgan wasn't a person that got evidently nervous out of nowhere. So she had to control herself. Or stop the secrets. And one of those wasn't an option.

"Ok, so where are we?" Asked James, and they all looked at her. Again. Which made her roll her eyes.

"I have no idea," she said with a delicate shrug of her shoulder. "I got us to the address Rem told me to. Now it's up to you, kids,"

"It's right around the corner, come on," explained Remus, who started walking at the front with the rest of them following.

Once they left that dirty alleyway, they were actually on a big avenue that was crowded as hell. Lines of cars and buses were endless, and the people rushing on the street were as well. Almost all shops were closed because of the time, but the number of doors that led to different pubs and bars were wide open. Remus led them to the entrance of what appeared to be a nightclub, and the line of people waiting to get inside made Morgan curse. It was Wednesday, didn't people work or something? Granted, she was there, so she couldn't judge. They were there because apparently some band Sirius liked was going to play that night. Morgan loved music, but she hated not knowing the songs. James had been training her in what he called good music to be, but this was a small band so she didn't have any faith at all.

They went to the end of the line and the girl looked around while the boys talked about quidditch and shit. She should pay attention given that they were her competitors but the only thing she could focus on was that she was freezing her arse off and that going out dressed like an old lady would have been probably better. But looking at the other girls around her, she almost patted her own back, muggle fashion was easy to crack. She looked like everyone else, even if still a bit fancier. She heard Regulus and Sirius teasing each other and shared a smile with James for it. She knew the boys probably weren't any fans of Sirius' family, but they liked seeing him happy. And Reg didn't have any fault for their shitty parents anyway.

"Well, these people aren't going in," she complained but it didn't come out as harsh as she intended because her teeth were chattering due to the cold temperatures. Winter was right around the corner in England. "Isn't there like a backdoor or something?"

"No clue," Remus answered, "we could always just go to the front and charm our way in," He offered and Morgan saw the resolution in the marauders' eyes.

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