Chapter 14

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October 24th, 1975.





All Sirius could hear was the loud hissing following them from behind and the loud echo of their steps running on the marble floor.

"What is she saying?" He questioned over his shoulder to the psycho that had gotten them in this situation.

"Oh, something about crushing our bones and drinking our blood," she yelled back, a pissed look on her face.

"She is supposed to be your friend, what did you say to her?"

Morgan slipped, almost falling to the floor and grunted, annoyed. Sirius held back to give her a hand, but she didn't even look at it. Her face was almost more scary than the giant serpent behind them. "I merely told her that she wasn't going to be able to murder students. My bad. I should just let her be,"

They got to the door from before. The one Morgan had been the only one able to open, and he seriously hoped she could close it as well.

He grabbed her hand, pulling her to the other side of the door before the basilisk that was coming full speed towards them could get her. Morgan gave a flick of her wand, and the giant doors closed together effortlessly.

They were both heaving, Morgan looked disheveled and ready to pass out. Her cheeks were red, and her hair was sticking to her neck. She looked at him, relieved, a twisted smile creeping into her face.

That relief was short-lived when suddenly something heavy hit the door from the other side. Sirius' face twisted with panic again. He swore he'd kill her if they got out of there alive.

"You don't think she can break through, right?" Sirius wondered, already backing away, "They are magically sealed,"

Morgan let out a shaky breath, "I mean, the doors don't let anyone in. I'm just not sure about the letting someone out part,"

"Well, we have to kill her then," he concluded.

"Great. Let's fix everything with murder. And I'm the monster," she shook her head as if the idea of killing the monster was completely unfathomable.

Sirius scoffed, another hit against the door. The floor and walls trembled with it.

He saw the witch take out a diary. "What? You're gonna put her to sleep with a bed time story? I really like our chances,"

"Shut the fuck up, Black" she was flipping through the pages, and apparently not finding what she needed because she closed it with a thud. "Of course the fucker would tell me how to awaken her and not how to put her back to sleep,"

"The fucker in question would be? Because I have some business with them," the door rattled with the force of the blow again, and Sirius got his wand out. Ready. Either to kill a Basilisk or a Gaunt. Either would be satisfying enough.

Morgan read the words that had allowed her to awake the basilisk just minutes ago.

aeternum somnum finiatur.

Maybe if she just changed the key word, it would work as a counterspell. That's how they were usually made. The girl had worked on many with her mother, but never for something of this magnitude. What if the beast, instead of going into eternal sleep, only took a twenty minute nap and was on and about around the castle after that. Just chilling and eating people in the process.

At this point, the snake that had seen friendly at first was going at the door nonstop. The blows being harder every time. The whole antechamber seemed to be trembling, and dust was falling from the ceiling.

Memento Mori - Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now