Chapter 19

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October 31st, 1975.

The day went on as usual. Morgan had charms with the Hufflepuffs first, and Ophelia used that time to fill her in on that weekend's events. The party had been pretty much uneventful but fun. The maraduers had made sure that everyone had a good time providing the party with lots of entertainment. The main event being themselves and a fucking choreography apparently. Which made her very grateful for not being there.

The slytherin boys, on the other hand, had been so drunk that they didn't even care that much about having to spend their time in a closed space with so many Gryffindors.

It was very unfortunate they couldn't be drunk all the time because after classes, they all made quidditch practice a living hell for Mor. Flint was still pissed about het missing the weekend's practice. Which she understood. It was valid. But he did make his best to pull every single one of her muscles to their absolute limit.

No one gave her a fucking break for almost three hours and counting. Morgan was a great player, but she definitely had a resistance problem. She wasn't as trained as the rest of them, and it was obvious. The girl got exhausted from going up a flight of stairs for fuck's sake. Magic from a young age had definitely made her way too lazy.

Now, quidditch practice was supposed to be over, but they were still going, and it didn't look like Flint was letting them off the hook any time soon. They were running play after play over and over. Morgan's arms were about to fall off, and her legs were shaking from holding onto her broom for so long. Her breath was so erratic that not enough air was getting to her lungs. Her hairtie had dissapeared after a particularly harsh turn, and now her hair was in her face all the time. The day was cold and windy. And her terrible tendency to think she wouldn't get cold was really fucking her up right now. But she was sweating at the same time. So not good. She wanted to fall into her bed and never leave it again.

Morgan snapped back to reality when the quaffle passed right by her side, and Rabastan grabbed it with no effort. Morgan instantly winced knowing what was coming.

"WHAT THE FUCK, GAUNT?" She heard the angry words the wind carried. Flint was glaring at her. Like he had been for the last half hour when Morgan had, admittedly, started messing up. "You're supposed to stop that kind of thing from happening. AGAIN,"

Morgan bit down her reply, which definitely wasn't a pretty one, and pressed her teeth together. She tightened her hands around the broom and did the play again. Five more times. Which is when Flint was finally satisfied.

Lestrange, Flint, and Malfoy were doing some plays. They all looked ready to keep going, which made her almost throw a subtle jinx at them or something. Mulciber was passing her the bludgers over and over. They were supposed to hit the living targets that their teammates were but without actually hurting them. It also helped them practice to avoid the bludgers. Avery was higher off in the sky, losing his mind over the damn snitch, and Rosier had skipped practice. Apparently, his love for Dumbledore hadn't vanished yet. Hilarious.

Morgan had used all her force to hit a bludger with her bat in Malfoy's direction from all the way across the field, and he ducked just in time. She saw the smallest nod of approval from Flint and sighed with relief.

The approval didn't last much, unfortunately. Morgan had lost focus after that play and didn't even notice that the other bludger she had got rid of seconds before was coming back full speed. The day was so tumultuous because a storm was definitely on its way that with all the wind in her ears, Morgan didn't even hear the swift noise of the bludger cutting through the air. She frowned when she saw Mulciber's lips moving as he shouted something she couldn't hear and saw him move in his broom faster than ever before.

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