Chapter 5

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September 6th 1975.

After a long walk back to Hogwarts, Morgan was actually considering writing to the ministry to tell them that the apparating legal age was simply stupid.

And to make it even worse she couldn't pull off a decent disillusionment charm, to get into the castle unnoticed, wandlessly, so she had to pray Filch was off fighting with Peeves or having a nice meal with his cat, or else another detention was coming her way.

Once she got to the dungeons, she said the password, that had been changed after some idiot announced it to the whole school during the marauders prank, and when she was about to enter the common room she saw that Lestrange, Avery, Nott, Mulciber, Rosier and Malfoy were there by themselves, they had probably kicked everyone else out.

"I mean they shouldn't have talked to us like that, they had it coming" said Mulciber with a shrug.

Mor, out of curiosity, stayed behind the entrance where she could see the scene, but they couldn't see her.

Nott seemed kind of nervous and couldn't stop playing with his wand, "yeah they shouldn't have, but I think you went a bit too far, mates"

That was directed at Mulciber, Lestrange and Rosier.

Rabastan pointed a finger at him, "Oh don't act so innocent, mate" spitted the last word the boy, "You were fast to cover up the whole thing"

Nott almost dropped his wand at the subtle threat, "well what was I supposed to do? Let them walk out of there just like that? We would all be expelled right now, you should be fucking thanking me."

Rosier scoffed, "Please don't pretend to be a hero, you were just as eager to put the blokes in their place, but didn't have the balls to actually do it."

Oh my god they killed someone, thought Morgan to herself. She left them alone for just a couple of hours and they found a way to fuck it up.

Avery looked amused at the whole situation, "Hey don't fight over some stupid mudbloods, it's been handled, relax."

Morgan didn't like how they were throwing around that word, as if it was normal by now, they always had the decency to at least pretend they weren't as prejudiced.

Malfoy was in silence, probably analyzing everything as he always did.

Mulciber started pacing through the room and sighed, "Look, Avery is right, those idiots came at us with some stupid prefect bullshit and tried to give us detention, we just showed them how things actually work here"

"Yeah you showed them, I think after the broken bones and dark curses they got the memo, right?" Retorted drily Nott.

Avery gave Nott a warning look, "They raised their wands first, so I say the boys here just defended themselves, plus it's not like we have to fight about this, they are in the infirmary being treated and don't have any memories thanks to you" finished the boy with a smile.

Morgan decided enough was enough and walked right in, "Are you all out of your fucking mind?" Yelled the girl that was clearly very mad, she wasn't sure about what though. There were many things to be mad at at the moment.

They all jumped from the surprise and instantly relaxed when they saw it was just Mor.

The relief was short-lived though when they saw her angry face.

Lestrange swallowed and averted his gaze just like the rest of them, "How much did you hear?"

"Oh I heard enough", Morgan grabbed Nott's wand that was closest to her and flicked it above her head casting a charm around them to keep anyone from overhearing.

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