Chapter 15

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October 24th, 1975.

Morgan had been peacefully sleeping when, out of nowhere, she felt a crushing weight over her that woke her up. The girl, with her brain not fully in function yet, went to punch whoever it was that had the audacity to wake her up like that. Ophelia would never do that, where the fuck was she?

The punch, she regretted instantly. A shooting pain in her hand reminded her of last night events. The cry of pain from a boy made her get the blankets away from her face just to see James sprawled on the floor after causing him to fall from the bed.

"You bitch, why would you do that?" Morgan yelled at him, grabbing her hand and examining it. Not pretty. She would lose her hand. Cut it off. That was it. And all for the stupidity of men. Classic.

James looked annoyed as fuck and completely baffled by the situation as well. "WHY? Because I thought you were my best mate! That's why!"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Complained Peter from the bed that was on the other side of the room, covering his head with the blankets as dramatically as possible, "too fucking early for this,"

Of course, Remus had to weight in his opinion on the matter too because suddenly a pillow had been thrown at the witch's face. The girl threw it back at him with an annoyed huff. She should be peacefully sleeping in her own bed. Not dealing with this madness.

"What are you even doing here?" Asked James, getting up from the floor and with an accusatory finger pointed at her face, "Did you kidnap Sirius? What did he do? I know he probably deserved it, but please don't murder him,"

Morgan rolled her eyes at him, "Too late. Already ditched his body in the black lake. The giant squid is having a feast right now," she got up from the bed and assesed herself in the mirror that was next to Sirius' bed, of course it'd be there, and laughed at James look that was reflected on it as well.

"I'd like to believe it's a joke and have faith in your humanity, but you make it hard,"

"He's alive and well, you twat. He slept here last night, I don't know where he is now, though," she explained all while using her wand to redo her hair that had been ruined after all the action of the Chamber.

"Oh, so you slept together," stated Remus, getting up from bed and as if it was totally normal that that would have happened.

Morgan pursed her lips and, with a snap of her fingers, made Remus trip and fall flat on his face. "We did not,"

"Sure, whatever you say," said Peter, who almost tripped with Remus' body.

"Talking about me?" Said the person they were, indeed, talking about, came out of the bathroom with only a towel hanging from his hips and his dark hair wet making it look even darker. "I know, I'm beautiful," he said in James' direction, who had been staring at him.

James flicked him in the face, and Sirius reciprocated. And just like that, they were both on the floor, trying to kill the other. Chaotic.

Morgan silently thanked James' weird love for his best friend who had got Sirius' attention because she had definitely set her eyes on the young Black for more seconds that was probably acceptable as well. When she turned around and saw a knowing smirk on Remus' face, she scowled and flipped him off.

The boys started getting ready and were ready in about fifteen minutes. That had to be a record. She could never. She spent those few minutes with her ear glued to the door waiting for the people outside to leave the common room at once. But they didn't. The buzzing sound of students chatting and laughing kept going.

Sirius went to open the door when they were all ready, but she stopped him, putting her hand over his arm, "No,"

"I get you love it here," he said with a smirk, "but I really want some breakfast right now," he waited for her to move. She didn't.

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