Chapter 7

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September 29th 1975.

"Honestly if he doesn't shut up I'll throw something at him", complained James.

The four friends were at History of Magic and half the class was fast asleep, while the other half was doing anything to avoid dying out of boredom.

"Anything you throw will pass right through him, mate", replied Sirius, who had been flirting with a Hufflepuff for the whole hour.

"I know," sighed the boy dropping his head on the desk dramatically "how much longerrr?"

"Just ten minutes", answered a sleepy Remus.

The fact that Remus Lupin was asleep in class had to say something about how utterly boring and useless it was.

"I can't take it anymore", whisper-shouted the bespectacled boy, which only got him a glare from Lily that was sitting at the front. James winked at her and the girl rolled her eyes.

"Hey after James and Sirius are out of practice, feel like going to prank McGonagall, I need something fun after this torture", ventured Peter, which got James excited like a kid and Sirius to stop flirting.

"I can't, I have an assignment with Morgan for DADA", declined Remus.

Sirius gave him a look, "Morgan? Since when do we call her that?"

Remus shrugged, "We get along I guess, we've been studying together"

"Wait what. How and why?", exclaimed the boy with a betrayed look on his face.

"I don't know it just happened, I have to go", said Remus when the class finished and left in a rush leaving Sirius completely dumbfounded.

Was he actually serious about spending time with Gaunt? Sirius knew she could be charming and all, but she had changed his friend's opinion about her with just a few conversations.
Yesterday he had seen James and Peter talking with her about whatever it was they were talking about, he didn't know because every time he got close to her Morgan would give him a dirty look and go the other way.

She was still mad about the stunt he pulled, clearly. And Sirius shouldn't care about it because it's not like it affected him in any way. They weren't friends, they weren't even civil towards each other.

But the fact that suddenly she decided to like his friends but didn't like him didn't sit right with the boy, and not because he cared about Gaunt's opinion, he didn't, not one bit. But because James, Remus and Peter had decided they liked her and that she was a decent person and Sirius simply couldn't understand why. Plus, every time he brought the subject up they'd say he was just whining because Morgan was ignoring him.

He was just incredibly disappointed that they couldn't see the manipulative tendencies Morgan had. Because let's be real, she only started hanging out with them for the animagus transformation help they were providing, which wasn't even out of the goodness of their hearts, the girl had blackmailed them into it. Still, the boys seemed to forget about that.

And what was next? Hanging out with all her bully friends? Mulciber and Lestrange had jinxed a couple of second years the other day just because they could and thought they should, for the kids were muggleborns. Malfoy and Avery had complained about the astronomy professor because she wasn't pureblood and someone like her shouldn't be teaching'.

Morgan definitely knew about it. She simply didn't care, she always defended them, no matter what they did. It had always been that way ever since they were kids. Morgan proclaimed she wasn't prejudiced or like the rest of the sacred Twenty-Eight, but by being a bystander she was just as bad. And no one saw it.

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