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*Devin's POV*

The blade sank into my pale skin, as a trickle of scarlet blood rolled down my arm.

My toes curled at the feeling. Other people smoke weed or do heroin, but my drug of choice is pain.

Glancing around the dark room, I sighed deeply. All my life, I had been different.

The other kids would make fun of me at school, saying calling me 'Freaky Emo Boy' . But now I was eighteen, and living alone.

No one could bully me if I stayed inside all day, could they?

Oh well, who cares if I get bullied? My feelings don't matter, I am one tiny spec in a universe of billions of life forms. I'm so insignificant.

Slowly, I shoved the sharp metal blade inside my body again. This time I pulled it down, making a large slit down my already scarred skin.

The pain became unbearable, so I took a swig from the bottle of vodka next to me. My throat stang as the violent liquid burned into my body.

There's no hope for me. I'm fucked. Maybe I should just end it. Maybe I should just quickly cut my wrists and lie down and wait to die.

I looked down at the bloodstained blade in front of me. Do I do it?

Angrily, I threw the blade down on the floor. As I stood up, I caught my reflection in the window.

My long, black hair was falling in front of my forehead and my shirtless torso was covered in blood. There was a small smudge of dried blood on my left cheek. The black skinny jeans I wore were undone, and I looked a mess.

Who am I kidding? I am a mess.

Fists clenched, I staggered into the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water. Looking up into the mirror, I stared into my wild, grey eyes.

They were filled with hatred, just like everyone's eyes when they see me. I couldn't stand to look at myself.

Crossly, I whacked my fist against the mirror. The glass broke and I traced the shards with my finger.

I began to notice the vodka setting in. My legs became wobbly and I felt sick. Reaching for the sink to break my fall, my body lurched forward.

As I hit the ground, the broken glass stuck into all parts of my chest.

Becoming lighter and lighter, my head started throbbing. I was going to black out. I'd had this feeling many times before. This was a normal day.

My blinking started slowing, and my mind blurred. Good, I was forgetting who I was.

I began to faint, my cold body lying still on the bloodstained floor. As the world went black, I wondered for a second what it would be like to be happy.

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