Twenty Three.

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It was then that my phone went off. A text had come through. 

From: Meredith

Help me. I'm at my brothers house I'll explain when you get here just please hurry the address is 138 Cowley Drive in Sandbridge. Quick, Devin. xxxx

I gasped. That son of a bitch took her! How did I not notice? 

To: Meredith

I'm coming right now, don't worry xxxx

I sprinted down towards the roadside, running towards the apartment blocks as fast as I could. Felix and Adrianna were standing together in the car park and I leapt in the car. "Get in, now!" I instructed.

They did as they were told and I pressed my foot on the gas, the vehicle shooting forward at a tremendous speed. "Where are we going? Do you know where Meredith is?" Adrianna asked quickly.

"Her fucking brother took her!" I fumed. "I don't even know why!" 

"Look, dude, calm down and think. Maybe he was worried about her or something." Felix tried to keep me chilled, but there was no stopping my fury. Felix took Adrianna's hand, and I could see the nervous look in her eyes. 

"Yeah, Devin. Now we know where she is, we can be happy." Adrianna smiled at me.

"But he kidnapped her right under my fucking nose!" I punched the steering wheel. Adrianna blushed and looked at the ground. "Hey, guys, I'm sorry. I'm just freaking out over here." I sighed.

"It's alright. Seriously." Felix assured me. "Let's just get Meredith." 

As we pulled up outside the house, I double-checked the address. Yep, that was the place. Meredith was stuck inside that hellhole, and I was going to save her. 

I climbed out of the car and banged on the door. "Hello?" I yelled through the letterbox.

Adrianna and Felix came up behind me and I noticed Felix holding back his girlfriend to keep her safe just in case Meredith's brother was some kind of maniac, which I expected him to be. 

"Jesus Christ I'm coming." I heard someone mutter behind the door. Finally, the door opened and revealed a short man with glasses and black hair. "Do I know you?" he asked, seeming confused. 

"Where the fuck is Meredith?" I demanded, losing my patience. I had to get to her.

"Oh. I'm guessing you're Devin. And this must be Felix and Adrianna." he smirked. "I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid Meredith is going to have to stay with me for a while."

"Devin!" I heard the Angel's voice. Her black hair bounced as she ran down the stairs. She was about to run to me but her brother stopped Meredith and held her back. 

"You guys are leaving. Now." The brother raised his eyebrows and went to shut the door, but Felix stopped it with his foot. 

"Not without our friend." Felix smiled sarcastically at the brother, which seemed to infuriate him further. 

"Reece, I'm sorry. Please just let me leave." Meredith said, tears building up in her eyes. No one made my Angel cry. 

"Fucking move out of the way!" I yelled, lurching forward to get Meredith, but I felt someone holding me back. It was Felix.

"This is not the way to fix this." he warned me in my ear. "You gotta charm him. Trust me, I wanna kill him too, but if we want Meredith we have to be clever." 

I sighed and clenched my fists. 

"Fine. You guys come in and we can talk about it." Reece seemed to soften. 

"You're not going to kidnap us to, are you?" I said challengingly. 

"I wasn't planning on it." He laughed, and showed us inside.

 I had absolutely no idea what to think.

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