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A/N: This chapter has mention of some gore, so yeah. You're probably fine with it but I wanted to warn you. Enjoy!

Light began to sting my eyes. I could hear sobs, and when my eyes opened slowly, I saw a beautiful figure above me.

She was sitting at my side, and her eyes were a dark grey, shining with tears. Her arms were covered in blood.

I thought I was in heaven.

My vision blurred again and I felt myself slipping under death's grip again. "No!" the Angel cried. I felt a hand reach in my pocket, and take something. Some gentle sounds of pain came out from above me. Trying to open my eyes, I squinted.

Regaining my vision, I saw the Angel again. She had blood all over her wrists, and she seemed to have slit them. "Who are you?" I mumbled, hardly able to speak.

"Devin!" the Angel screamed.

"No, that's my name." I giggled weakly, choking softly.

"We're going to die!" the Angel said, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm already dead." I said, completely delirious. Once again I coughed, and some liquid squirted out of my mouth. It was blood.

"Devin!" she weakly picked up my head and put it in her lap. "Devin, I only met you twice, but I felt a little connection with you. We've been through the same things, so I could open up to you right away. You cared, even though you didn't know me. I respect you."

My breaths became shallow and I tried to lift my arm up to touch the Angel's face. She moved my hair out of my eyes and lay me softly on the ground, next to her. The Angel lay down next to me, and sighed.

"You were the only person who cared. So now, I'm going to die with you." the Angel's voice became weaker and weaker. Then there was silence.

No more sound came from the Angel anymore, and my eyes came into a little more focus, revealing the forest surrounding me. I slowly turned on my side and saw the Angel facing me, her eyes filled with tears.

"Angel..." I croaked. She opened her mouth to talk, but she couldn't speak. Her eyes were filled with fear and shock. A small sound of pure despair escaped the Angel's lips.

"Ssh." I tried to calm her. Reaching out my hand and holding hers, I smiled as best I could. Chills spread throughout my body and I realised I couldn't speak anymore.

The Angel's eyes grew large and round, and she stared into my eyes. I stared back, and we shared a haunting moment. Her eyelids started to flicker, and they closed. A liquid began to dampen my clothes. It was blood.

I let my eyes close, and I felt as though I was falling. Just as I felt the world fade, a voice screamed in terror.

"What the fuck!"

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