●One Night Update●

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It's Out!!


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One night .

All it took was one night to change his life .

ONE NIGHT where he kissed his bestfriend after getting drunk .

After that ONE NIGHT everything bothered him , everything about her personal life bothered him .

Who she's dating?
Who's she going on a date with?
Who she liked?

Everything about the tiniest physical touch bothered him . Not in a bad way but in a needy way .

He needed more than brushing of hands , hugs , playful kisses on cheeks .

But what he needed the most was a relationship more than just friendship .

Everything that never bothered him before started bothering him .

He is supposed to act unbothered , but then he can't.

He had two choices-
1) Keep his feelings to himself
2) Tell her about his feelings and take a risk on their more than 15 years of friendship.

What is he gonna choose?



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