XV : "Love i didn't bring you here , i kidnapped you"

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"Sweetheart run" my dad spoke as I cried holding him , his blood was all over my clothes , my hands , and even my face .

"Appa , I am not leaving you here"

"Y/N  , THEY WILL KILL YOU TOO , PLEASE RUN" he cried , his hand reached for my cheek .

"I love you" he said as i suck in all my tears "I love you too appa" I told him back as I moved him from my lap to the ground .

I stand up and took a scan of my surroundings , I took a last glance of my dying father who was lying on the ground smiling at me .

I RAN , I ran for mile until my gaze was blurry and I fell on my face.

I jerked up , not wanting the nightmares to continue , but I fell right back on may back .

As I felt a force on my wrists I turned to both my sides to see handcuffs on both my wrists which were attached to the bed . I felt the coldness of metal on my feet too , as I looked at my feet , that were chained to the bed .

My hands are handcuffed , my legs are chained and my gaze was blurry , this was a CRISIS .

'Tf is happening'

"Oh I see you're awake" I turned to the voice to see...

(Drum roll please)

"Taehyung ?" I said as my blurred vision cleared.

"Hi love" he says as he sits next to me on the bed .

"Why did you bring me here? And why are my hands handcuffed ?" I asked him as he chuckled and looks at me "Love, I didn't bring you here , I kidnapped you" he said as it takes me a minute to process what he said .

'Why would he ?'

"You look confused" he said as I turn to him for a better explanation.

"Ever heard of the Kim Family of Mafia ?" He asked and I hesitantly nodded .

'No way he works under them'

"I rule it"

"You're fucking kidding me" I whispered to myself. 

"Look if you kidnapped me because my father had some debt owed to you , I payed all the debt already , if you were left , give me a 1 yea—"

"My love your father has no debt owed to me . I kidnapped you because I wanted to"

A few minutes passed as i just stared at him.

"No way I got kidnapped by a Mafia, my life's not a book plot" he laughed as he suddenly turned serious "Let's not be too sarcastic. I kidnapped you , do you have any conscience?"


'Where is all this coming from ?'

"Well let's be real taheyung, you think my friends won't know about my disappearance and try to find me"

"They won't" he said as he clicked on the remote and the tv flashed open to the news channel .

My eyes automatically move to the breaking news .

Breaking News

The famous general surgeon Ms.Park Y/N's house was caught on fire , the police has retrieved a body , which is of the same age and same height as Ms.Park Y/N , the cause of fire has been proved as leakage of gas .

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