XX - "Let me take her"

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He turns around at me . "If I get shot you better stay alive to treat me" he says and I smile and nod .

I go and check the CCTV as he stood in front of the door while pointing the gun at it .

"Suga there are a lot of people" I say and heard him curse .

"He knows what he is doing" he whispers to himself but it was audible to me .

"Who ?" I ask and he turns around .

"Jeon Jungkook" he says as my eyes grew wide in shock .

"What is he doing here ?" I ask him .

"Taehyung and him are rivals . And he took a liking to you , he is probably here to take you from here" he says and I grew suspicious .

"Suga is he here to get me out of here ?" I ask him and he turns around again.

"He is but only so that he can take you to his home . He leads The Jeon Empire , every heard of that ?"

"Yeah a group of mafias" I say and he nods .

"He was there that day to kidnap you. He didn't send enough men . They were outnumbered" he says and I nod .

Suddenly we both hear the knock on the door .

It was 3 knocks first and then 4 knocks following it .

Suga came and pressed the button , as it was opening he kept his gun pointed at the door .

Taehyun stumbled forward with his one arm on Heesung's shoulder and the other arm on Jake's shoulder .

Yoongi quickly pressed the button making it close in a second .

"Are you shot ?" I ask Taehyun as heesung made him sit against the wall. 

"Yeah" he groans and points at his thigh .

"Okay wait , umm not critical but if you lose a lot of blood it will become critical .

The bullet was not fully in , the butt of the bullet stuck out . This was the first time I saw a case like this .

"I grabbed this on my way out . These were some supplies Mr.Kim called in for now that you are here and we might need your help in treating people" Jake's says as he hands me plastic bag .

I look in to see a bunch of surgeon supplies .

"Are these helpful ?" He asks and I smile at him "Very much . Thankyou" I say as I take out the needed supplies to get the bullet out and then close the wound up .


I had stitched up Taehyun's wound and told him to make the minimum movements .

There was another knock on the door

First 3 knocks then 4 knocks

Suga looked at the 3 who came in 10 mins ago .

"No body knows we are here" Taehyun says .

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