X - Daegu .

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"Which gate do we have to board from ?" I ask jin as he checked our tickets .

"Gate B60" he said and then looked around. 

"There it is" he said pointing at a entry with the board Gate B60 .

"We have one hour before our flight . Let's just sit" Beomgyu said and we both nodded as we walked to a nearby bench .

We sat there . I was reading a novel I brought for the flight . Beomgyu was listening to songs and his head was on my shoulder . Jin was clearing some things at work on call .

"YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO USE SURGERY ROOM 3 for deliveries . John, you've literally being the hospital for 2 years now how do you not know that ?" He asked and I could heard John reply with "Sunbaenim it's my first actual delivery"

I sighed and signaled jin to hand me his phone .

"John best of luck for the delivery. Tell the patient to not stress out and not hold her breath even for a second" I advised .

"Yes sunbaenim I'll make sure to tell her" I smiled and handed the phone back to jin .

He talked for another second and then hung up.

"How come you are not getting called for stuff from the hospital ?" Jin asked tucking his phone in his pocket .

"I told the staff I am on leave which i rarely take so not to disturb me with calls" I said as my eyes were closed and my head was resting on Beomgyu's head which was on my shoulder.

I heard him sigh "I'll do that too" he said and I felt him getting up and walk away .

Then I started to hear soft snores , I open my eyes and look down at Beomgyu , he was fast asleep and I smiled .

"Told you you should've slept" i whispered knowing very well that he didn't hear it . I chuckled at the way his lips curled into a pout as I readjust his head on my shoulder .

I look to my sides , feeling as if someone's watching , I mean I wouldn't be surprised cause there are 1000 of men and women here . But still . I look around until I spot a familiar face in the crowd .

'Taehyung ?'

And he was staring at me . But he didn't try to look away instead he started to walk in my direction .


'Will I have to talk again ?'

That is when I noticed someone behind him .

'That Namjoon ?'

I looked carefully and came to the conclusion yep it's him .

'They are brothers right? Jin told me about it'

"Hi Ms.Park" Taehyung said as he reached me . He pulls out an hand for an handshake and I take it while sitting . I give him a apologetic look for not standing up and showing my respects since Beomgyu's head was on my shoulder but he just waves it off .

I looked over at namjoon and smiled cheekily as he passed me a smile too "Long time no see Joon" I said and he chuckles "Yeahh you guys have been busy being doctors" he said with sass and my mouth fell open offended "Bruh you're the one who's busy being the CEO" I said and chuckled again .

He looked down at Beomgyu and smiled and ruffles his hair but beomgyu didn't budge out of his sleep . Namjoon then looks at me impressed with his eyebrows raised and lips pressed in a straight line .

"He is tired . Didn't sleep the whole night out of excitement" I said and he chuckled "I know that feeling" he said and looked around "Isn't Jin with you all ?" He asked .

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