XXVII- (^з^)-☆

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I woke up with a jolt as I heard screams from the foyer . I quickly got up and ran to the door . I swiftly opened the door and walked out and crouched near the stairs .

Jungkook was standing over a guy who was trembling on his knees in front of him .

"I'm so sorry Mr.Jeon , I wasn't trying to run , I'm so sor–" Before he could complete jungkook picked up a gun and fired a bullet straight in his head with a smile . The guy fell to the side .

But that smile slowly faltered as he looked around , the blood was gushing out like fuck .

"Damn it . I bought the carpet a week  ago" he said as he sighed. 

"Such a nice fur carpet ruined by someone worthless" he said as I stared in shock .


'He just called someone who he killed Worthless ?'

I got up as i walked back in my room , I ran to the bed side table and took my phone out and dialed yoongi .

"Hello y/n?"

"Yeah it's me" I said and I think yoongi noticed the gasping because his next question was "What happened, did he do something?" He asked ..

"He just killed a guy downstairs . It was inhuman how he did it" I said as I heard him sigh "Y/n he runs a big family of mafia what do you expect? Aren't your friends coming today?" He asked and I hummed in response .

"Plan your day with them and don't pay much heed to what happened. It's kind of normal in this business" he said and i hummed again .

"Ill hang up?"

"Yeah bye" I said as I hung up keeping my phone aside. I sat down on my bed as unpleasant memories came rushing . The reason why I don't like criminals and the reason why I became a doctor. It came rushing back and put me back in my senses .

The door opened as jungkook walked in .

"You saw it didn't you?" He asked and I remained silent.  .

"I'm sorry , I shouldn't have done it here , you're new and uncomfortable with these things . I am really sorry" he said and I scoffed "You dont need to be sorry for who you are" I said as I stomped away in the washroom .

Jungkook's Pov

Never in my entire life have I been ashamed of what I do. But this woman who I like made me hate my job right this second .

I clenched my teeth as instead of my fingers on the temple of my head I kept the gun and tapped it there , trying to calm myself down.

I sat down on the bed as I waited for her to come out .

"Hyung ?" I looked at the door to find soobin standing there .

"Should we dump the body in the dumpster ?" He asks and I nodded . He left almost immediately . I could hear him give orders to do the same .

I felt my phone ringing in the pocket as I quickly picked it up.


"Jungkook" I took the phone away from my ear to see the caller ID. Yoongi hyung .

"Yeah hyung ?" I said

"You have a basement right ?" He asked as my eyes squinted in confusion .

"Yeha why?" I asked

"So why don't you use your fucking basement for all your killings? Why do it in the foyer when you have a basement?"

"What? how did you know–oh did y/n call?" I realised .

"Yeah she did . She's a fucking doctor you think killing someone in front of her is a good idea? Are you fucking nuts or what?" He asks and my brows furrowed .

"I fucking know , I'm dumb . I'll keep it in mind" I said ad the washroom door slid open as y/n walked with a towel wrapped around her .

She looked confusingly at me and hurried back inside the washroom "Get the fuck out , what are you even still doing here ?" She said as I quickly got up "Im sorry I was just contemplating. I'm leaving" I said as I hurried outside .

"What happened ?" Yoongi hyung asked on call .

"Oh she walked out in a towel" I said as I heard him sigh "I still don't like the fact you're sharing a room" he said and I chuckled "I like it . Anyways I'll call you later okay? I gotta make arrangements for her friends" I said as I hung up after he said bye .


I had made a checklist of all the things that y/n and her friends could use to have fun .

-Board Games
-A TV in the other master bedroom where they'll be spending time together .
-PS5 with 2 controllers

And I think these should be enough , and of course I got them a lot of snacks .

"Y/N" I knocked on the door as I entered . She was sitting on the study table while reading a book . She had her earphones on, so I walked up to her and tapped on her shoulder .

She took her earphones out as she looked at me "I arranged board Games , a TV in the other master bedroom where you guys will be spending time together , a PS5 with 2 controllers And lots of snacks . Do you want something else?" I asked as she stared at me for a minute "Uhm no. Thankyou" She said and I nodded .

"Do you want to go pick them up ?" I asked as her eyes widened and she desperately nodded .

"Well then get ready , we'll leave together" I said as she sprinted to her walk in closet .


"Wait let me put it on" I said as I buckled her seat belt and put on the given headphones on her head .

I sat back on my seat as I buckled my belt and put on the headphones .

"We are set to go" I said in the microphone attached to my headphones .


I step out of the helicopter and give my hand for support to y/n as she steps out . And as I thought she tripped on the stand and I skillfully caught her .

"You okay ?" I ask and she nodded .

"Y/NNNNNNNNNNN" both of us looked up to see beomgyu who left his suitcase and ran towards y/n . Y/n let go of my hand and stood with her arms open .

Beomgyu tripped as he fell face flat , y/n sprinted to him while jin , yeji and Lisa grabbed his luggage and came running too .

"Yah you okay ?" Y/n asked checking for injuries but beomgyu just hugged her "I missed you so muchhh" he said and y/n smiled hugging him back .

'I hate him so much sometimes'


Ik I'm late some family (not my family) emergency came up and I was busy with that . I'm sorry .

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