XVI - Surprises

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I have been here for a week , they are not letting me even step out of the mansion to go to the garden , escaping is impossible even if I wanted to .

"Noona you want coffee ?" Yeonjun asks and I signal him to sit down beside me .

When he was seated "Can I go out of the mansion to the garden ?" I ask and he sighs "You asked me the same question yesterday and my answer is not gonna change , no you can't noona" he says and I get up frustrated .

I make my way down in the living room , instantly greeted by taehyung "Hey love , where to ?" He asks attempting to hand me a cup of coffee of my style , I scoff and throw it down .

I take a step forward towards him "First , you prove me dead in front of everyone and now that I am here I can't even step out of the house to roam around in garden? The fuck you meant by use this as a fucking vacation from my hectic job , this is a fucking prison" I say my eyes piercing in his .

He smiled as his hands climbed up to my face and i hit them away .

"You feel like this is a prison?" He asks and I stare at him , very obviously telling him that my answer is yes .

"Love , give me a few hours , I'll turn this place , a heaven for you" he says as he casually kisses me on the head and walks away . I gross out and pump some hand sanitizer in my hand and rub it on my head .


Just 3 hours earlier , I was taken out of my room , and kept in taehyung's room with HIM . He didn't let me go out and sat across me on the armchair staring at me while I sat on his bed's edge.

"Were the clothes a perfect fit for you ?" He asks and I ignore him ,

"Love , you might not want to ignore me" he says as I feel him get up and walking towards me.

He pushed me down on the bed as he hovered over me with my hands pinned on top of my hand , I tried wriggling out of his grip but of course no use. 

"I have the power here , I can make you sleep with me and you won't be able to say no . So answer me when I ask you stuff"

I just smiled "And do you know what I can do under you?" I ask him as he smirks and leans in "What can you do ?"

I pull my knee up hitting him on his balls as he fell back holding his dick for dear life . 

"I can knock your balls out" I say and get up .

'The fuck did he think I was'

I left the room , going straight to the room assigned to me , it was locked.

"Noona what are you doing here?, Where's hyung? Wasn't he watching over you ?" Yeonjun asked .

"I hit him on the balls , RIP his future generation" I say as he gasp .

"Don't worry he'll survive" I reassured him as he stood there shocked , but when he was out of his trance he led me to Taehyung's room again .


"Noona close your eyes"

So apparently yeonjun was not allowed to call me that , taehyung was pretty surprised when noona slipped out of yeonjun's mouth in front of him but then he just let him be .

"Keep your eyes close"

"They're close" I say as I let yeonjun lead me in the room .

"You can remove your hand now" he says as my hands dropped to my side .

Immediately , my mouth was hung open from what I saw , there was a FUCKING 50 inch LED TV IN MY ROOM , 4 bookshelves filled with books , a bouquet of flowers on my bedside table ,  a canvas on the canvas stand , and a collection of unique and all kind of paints ,crayon ,and color pencils . 

I entered my room and noticed a ipod with earphone on the bed .

"Its for listening songs , there are no outgoing and incoming calls" I turn around to see taehyung leaning on the door frame .

'Wasn't he in pain an hour ago'

"Don't worry sweetheart I am fine", he says smiling innocently. 

'Did I say that out loud ?'

"I know what you're thinking and no you didn't"

Okay this is creepy.

I just look away and take the variety of books in . The smell of fresh new novels . These are all new .

"Please tell me it's the genre you read, on the flight to Daegu you were reading rom-Com plus thriller , so I got anything near that genre" he says and I look back at him then back at the books , noticing the genres .

Thriller , Rom-Com , and if we were talking about tropes , I could definitely see fake dating , forced proximity , enemies to lover , second chance , bestfriends to lover And in the very corner I could see the good old Mafia romance . The Danielle Lori series consisted of three books , the sweetest oblivion , the maddest obsession and the darkest temptation , I had read the sweetest oblivion .

"There is still one surprise left" yeonjun said and I looked at him .

One of his friends slash colleague , came in with a...A SIBERIAN HUSKY not too big , not too small .

"I thought this furry guy could keep you company when yeonjun is on a business trip with me"

They handed the husky to me , as he immediately started to lick me.

'He's too cute'

"Will this make you happy? Or do you need something else?? Name it and I'll bring it to you" taehyung says as I stare at him "Can I go out in the garden ?" I ask as he stared at me for 2 minutes before sighing and nodding.

I instantly had a huge smile on my face .

"This my favorite breed of dog" I say kissing it on its wet nose .

"I know that's why I bought it for you" I look up at him as he came forward to pat the dog on its back .

"I have a dog of my own , you think I should get it here so that they can play together"

"Its your choice" I say but he stops patting the dog and looks up at me "From now on , there is no such thing as my choice , it's only your choice , your choice is my choice" he says staring at me.

"So love why dont you tell me? Should I bring him here ?" He asks and I nod. He smiled and turned around .

"Call namjoon hyung and tell him to bring tan over" he says to heesung who I know since he and yeonjun are great friends .

Before he leaves he turns around "What are you going to name him ?" He asks and I look down at the dog as he smiled at me , he had white fur , reminded me of snow , Beomgyu's favorite part of the year , and reminded me of all the times I and jin played snowball fight , how I bruised his chest after hitting a snowball on his chest .

"Snow , I'll name him snow" I say and look up at him .

"Nice name , join us for dinner tonight ,don't just sit here and have your dinner alone" he says as he smiled and walked out.



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