IX - Executing Plan?

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Taehyung's Pov

21st August
The day I will bring her here.
My home.
Which will eventually becomes her too.
The day she will become mine.

Yoongi hyung hacked into the hospital's office's main account to check on which days she is on a leave .

She is on leave on 10th August which is tomorrow but that's because she is going to daegu with her friends , and since that is also my hometown , I'll go there too tomorrow . It will turn out as a fun and informative trip . And then she is on leave on 21st august cause it's her father's death anniversary and she prefers staying alone on those days .

"TAEHYUNGGG" I flinch out of my own imaginary world. I saw jimin running down the stairs. And he was mad . Like reallllly mad .

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOUR CLOTHES IN MY FUCKING SUITCASE ?" He yelled making me flinch again .

"I don't have space in my suitcase" I answered nonchalantly.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING SO MANY CLOTHES IN THE FIRST PLACE ?" He yelled again , this time making my jaw clenched .

'I swear , if he yells once more , I'll take him down'

"I need to look the best in case she spots me somewhere" I said keeping calm .

He scoffed.

He fucking scoffed.

Q. Did I tell ever tell you what irritated me the most?
A. The scoffs . Especially when jimin does it , because he always manages to make it sound sassy which irritates me more .


I got up , my jaws clenched , knuckles cracking "Why the fuck do you care? Is it because you haven't found your 'The one'? Is it ?" I asked as his jaws clenched .

"If you have a problem keeping my clothes in your suitcase just say so , I'll put them somewhere else , no need to be arrogant about it" I said and he glared at me as I walked past him , up the stairs , and to my room .

I sat down on my study , and opened my laptop . I opened YouTube and turned on the latest episodes of daily health in which y/n featured .


Jungkook's Pov

"You all hear me out , I'll say it only once"

"21st August , Y/N is on leave because it's her father's death anniversary , if she is in the cemetery we will be respectful and let her take her time with her father . As soon as she gets out we'll kidnap her .

"Niki and Sunghoon have confirmed that her father's grave is in the cemetery on the outskirts of Seoul , and there is not much population around there"

"The cemetery is square shaped , one side faces the road , two sides face the farms and then last side at the back faces a forest . We will stay on the side that faces the road so that as soon as she comes out we kidnap her . We won't take that many cars , just two , one will be on the side that faces the forest , and the other on the side that faces the road , cause there are two entries one from the forest side since there is a village right after the forest ends and one from the road side . Got it ?" They all immediately started nodded .

"And for some reason I feel like Taehyung is after Y/N so we will carry some weapons incase his brain works more than usual and he decided to be there maybe to kidnap her like me" I said and then noticed hobi hyung's face turn in a confused expression .

"Why do you look confused hyung ?" I asked him making him turn and face me .

"Why do you think that ?" He asked .

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