Intro! (Updated)

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Hi! Welcome to my (very messy) Grian fanfic!

This is a small introduction to this messy project, so here's an insight into this fic, and how it will be set out!

(New) I wanted to try and lay out this fanfic a bit differently to the world TrueSymmetry and FalseSymmetry (though they are linked).

And to do so, I am going to lay some things out differently to the other fics I'm writing.

(New) Chapters for this will be very delayed, I can't help that 👍👍👍

As mentioned in the description, this au has some headcannons that are slightly different to the True and False fic, those being the server changes.

When someone joins a new server, they have to give up a random memory that they can live without. This doesn't include trauma, just small things, like typing shoelaces, or what a food tastes like.

For example, something canon in this au is that before going to season seven, Mumbo lent Grian his moustache, and forgot on the other side of the portal that Grian had it, and Grian had to remind him of what happened.

No, this isn't relevant to the lore, it's just a funny little feature I thought I'd add.

(New) Any chapters I plan to rewrite will probably start getting rewrites at around 1.4.23, so just a pre warning before anyone starts getting any pings for new chapters 👍

Anyway, moving on!

What will NEVER be in here!
-SMUT. Just no.
-Shipping (sexual or romantic)

What MAY be in here!
-Shipping (purely platonic)
-Maybe blood?

Obviously these may change, watch this space for more info in future!

Hope y'all enjoy! This is going out with the first chapter, so I hope you enjoy!

-Scarlett, le author

P.S cover not mine. This is the creator.

If this is the wrong person, please let me know!

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If this is the wrong person, please let me know!

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