Chapter 6 : An Admin Panic

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Before you read this chapter, I just want to thank you guys for all the support so far!

I honestly didn't think I would come this far, seeing as the other thing I'm writing only has around 150 reads, and has been going on for longer.
But 300 reads? And 20 votes?
I was almost in tears when I saw the comments on the other chapters, you guys are honestly too kind!

Anyways, this was just a quick little thank you, let's get on with the chapter!

"X? We found something!"

"Mumbo? Iskall? Come in, what did you find?"
Iskall pushed a book into the admins hands.

"Call a meeting, read it out!"
X nodded, not really listening to him. I'm actual fact, he was just confused about how Mumbo and Iskall had barged into his room, gave him a book and practically yelled at him to read it.

"You two go tell people, I'll get an area set up for a meeting."

A few minutes later, all of the hermits had gathered in a small area, with X stood on a bench again.

While X was sorting things out, the hermits began to chat amongst themselves, to the point where X was ready to start, but they couldn't hear him.

"Hermits! May I have your attention please?"
The group quietened down, the only noise being the low breeze.

"Mumbo and Iskall have found this journal, belonging to Grian. I have had a little look through, and it is from his teenage years here. Does anyone have any idea what happened to cause him so much trauma?"

A few gasps were heard, but nobody answered. X put his head in his hands.

"Nobody? Nobody knows?"
Silence was returned.

X's communicator vibrated, and he pulled it out. He gasped at the message that had come up.

It was a death message.
Grian's death message.

The message wasn't normal though. The username didn't belong to any of the hermits.
It read:

Grian suffocated whilst fighting SamGladiator

"Grian's dead!"
Scar looked over to Mumbo in shock.

"He can respawn here, can't he? Isn't that good?"

Iskall and Mumbo glanced at Scar, tears forming in their eyes.
"Permadeath- it's on in this world."


That was the last thing he had wanted.

"Grian? Can you hear me? Grian?"

The avians life was fading fast, and all Sam could do was watch. Panic filled his mind as he realised something.

He was the last person to interact with Grian.
It would look like he had killed him.

And just a few seconds later, it came up in the chat.
Grian suffocated whilst fighting SamGladiator.

He knew one thing, and one thing only.
He had to run.
And Grian would have to come with him. There had to be some way to resurrect him.

There had to be a way to get him to come back to life. Or at the very least, become a ghost.

At least, he hoped so.


Word count: 498

Sorry about the chapter being shorter than usual, writers block is the worst. But I have found some smaller ideas in the form of this chapter!

I promise that there will be longer chapters in future, bear with me on that though!

Not going to do anymore chapter updates for the next few days, I have a chapter scheduled for December 1st on my other fanfic, and need to get that finished!

Have a good day/night!

A/N word count : 81

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