Chapter two : A Cold Descent

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"Grian? Wake up, we're here."
Scar shook him awake, clearly excited to be there. Grian had only had nightmares, but still couldn't bear to tell his friends why he felt that way.

The avian stared at the ground as he exited the plane, petrified of what he might see.
The woman checking them in had a light, cheery voice, the exact opposite of how he felt.

Leaving the airport was the worst thing he had ever felt. The roads were exactly as they were so many years before, and the buildings were all too familiar. Thank god Sam wasn't there.

"Right everyone!"
The group looked towards X, and saw him stood on a bench. Nobody questioned it though, they were all to excited. Except Grian, but nobody noticed through all the excitement.

"I have arranged for around two or three people to stay in a house each in a nearby street. You can pick your roommates. There is also a one person flat at the end of the road that someone can have if they prefer."

Grian hurridly flew over to the flat entrance, shouted to X to let him know he was there, and ran in, dumping his stuff in a pile next to the couch.

He yawned sleepily from the jet lag, but couldn't bear to go to sleep. Maybe he should go for a walk?
It wasn't all bad in this town. Surely he had some good memories here? Plus, everyone would be unpacking, so nobody would ask any questions.

Still cautious though, he swooped out of the front window, stopping for a moment outside of Mumbo and Iskall's house. It was the same place he had stayed with Sam and Taurtis.

He trembled at the memory. It wasn't pleasant for him to back there. Maybe a walk would be good.

He strolled down the road, wishing he had brought his jacket, as his sweater and collared shirt weren't doing him any good. He thought he'd be fine though, and kept walking.

After a few minutes, he got lost, and flew up onto the roof of a building. By then, it was pitch black, the only light coming from the flickering street lamps below. Maybe he could leave?

What was that white building over there?

It caught his attention. His eyes wouldn't leave it. Maybe he should investigate.

Flying closer, he shivered in the sudden change in temperature. He definitely should have gone back.

His communicator buzzed. It was Scar, he wanted to see him in his flat. He was nowhere near there. He didn't even know where he was. He couldn't remember where to go. Why didn't he just say-

The building was his high school.

It was where his trauma lay.

Maybe he could go inside and have a little look. He didn't want to head back yet. Maybe he could hide inside.

His communicator beeped again. It was X, asking where he was. They clearly had checked the flat. He had to hurry.

Unsure of where to go, he flew to the ground, flung open the entrance doors, locked them shit, and ran down the first hallway he saw. Memories overtook him, and he began to panic.

He couldn't breathe.

He fell to the floor, hyperventilating, yet almost silent. It was a strange feeling.

There was a blacked out figure walking towards him, wielding a knife. They had a distinctive bunny hat on their head, and walked with an air of confidence.

Was it Sam?

Grian didn't have time to check, as he dived around the corner, and hid behind some tall, dusty lockers. The figure walked past without seeing him, and tears began to fall down his face.

They walked straight down the hallway, past the way Grian went, and as he peeked out, he couldn't see anyone there. But there wasn't any exits down the hallway, just lockers, so where did they go?

He placed his head in his hands, and began to cry. Not small, sad tears, but full on ugly crying, his sweater becoming so wet it began to stick to his arm.

Was it just an illusion?

Maybe he should sleep. He walked to the nearest office, and locked the door behind him (so he was safe), and curled up in a ball in the couch in the back.

He drifted to sleep almost immediately, but out of his knowledge, his communicator was still by the lockers, beeping repeatedly. None of the hermits knew where he was.

The trip they had all been looking forward to had already fallen to disaster.

And in their eyes, Grian was missing.


Word count : 772

Much happier with some editing, but it's virtually no different.

A/N word count : 14

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