Chapter 12 : Plan successfully failed

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With a plan in place, the trio made their way over to Impulse's mega shop, IBuy. The man in question was talking to his chat, and making plans for each item that would be sold inside of the mega shop.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this while he's live?"
Pearl suggested, but while Mumbo seemed to find some sense in her suggestion, Scar didn't listen. He was too focused on making sure Grian was ok, and was desperate for the enchanting book.

"Yeah, maybe this is a bad idea Scar."

"It'll be fine. Worst thing that can happen is Impulse says no."

"Actually, the worst thing that can happen is X finds out we wanted illegal enchants and bans us."

But the Scarland owner didn't even bat an eye at Pearl and Mumbo's words, only focusing on the task at hand : persuading Impulse to help them.

Scar began to walk towards IBuy, making sure he had a swiftness potion active, in case anyone besides Impulse was there. Pearl and Mumbo also seemingly vanished from the view behind him, which he thought was odd, but didn't question.

Then, something strange began to happen to Scar. His swiftness began to fade away, faster than usual, and was replaced with slowness, along                    with blindness.

"H-Hello? Pearl? Mumbo?"
"Scar, right?"

The elf's attention was turned towards a misty figure, slowly floating towards him. The figure had a strange, blue aura surrounding him, and devilish wings, letting him fly around, and scarlet red horns, coming through his rabbit hat.

Along with that, the figures eyes, which Scar immediately saw as he came closer, were fully white, no pupils or iris to be seen. And to top off the persons hellish look, he had small, bloody tears rolling down his face.

He looked like a mess, in Scars perfectly working and coloured eyes.

"Is this Goodtimeswithscar?"

Scar nodded, feeling himself shudder at the persons voice. It was extremely raspy, and sounded unnaturally croaky. He sounded unhealthily dehydrated, but seemed physically fine.

"Good. Listen to me for a moment, and I will explain... this. Before it gets worse."
"Before what gets worse? And what do you mean by 'this'?"
"You will see. Follow me."

The figure began to float towards a portal, which Scar could have sworn wasn't there a moment before. But even still, he followed the figure, until they were both through the portal.

A bright light surrounded Scars vision, and as he stepped out of the portal, he saw a damaged, almost poisoned world, with some areas reaching down to the bedrock, and others even reaching into the void. The grass, if any left, were a mixture of dark reds, purples and blacks, creating an almost glitchy-looking terrain. It looked.. strangely beautiful, but Scar couldn't pinpoint why.

"Why are we - better question, where are we?"

"Empires SMP. Season 2, to be exact."

Scar felt the blood drain from his face (we need a counter on how many times I've written that phrase) , and tears begin to form in his eyes.

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