Chapter 14 : Desert Duo

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Whoops, forgot to update this again! Shock. But anyway, it's only been... oh god, maybe three weeks? Almost a month? Sorry about that! But anyways, I'm here now, so have a chapter! And just from the title, I know you'll love it!

Just this chapter alone took me two or three days to write, so I hope you enjoy.

3rd person POV

Scar's eyes began to slowly open.

The night had finally arrived, and darkness had enveloped the area he was in. Wherever that was, but who was to know. Scar was sat inside of a small oak shack, on a bed, which, barely distinguishable in the darkness, Scar noticed that the cushion was branded with Solidarity Gaming's signature.

Wait.. Jimmy? Solidarity? Wasn't he in Empires?

Was Scar still in Empires?

Okay, backtrack.

What was happening and what had happened were two very strong questions.

A few.. minutes? Hours? Days? However long, time had passed. That was only thing clear to him. Time had passed.

But there were hundreds of other questions left unanswered.  But there were a few main ones.

Were Pearl and Mumbo okay?
Did they get to Hemige- I mean, Hermitopia?
It was Hermitopia right?
Was he real?
Were Pearl and Mumbo even alive?
Were Pearl and Mumbo even real?
What were those withers?
Who was the voice?
Who was the figure?
Was he just hallucinating?
Would the group (Pearl, Mumbo and maybe Grian) be able to escape?

Biggest question though - Was he dead?

Suddenly, Scar heard the sound of wood creaking, and the door of the shack opened slightly. The person at the door quietly grunted, as a small crash sounded from outside the shack. Something smashed, and from the sound of it, it was probably a plant pot. So there was some sort of decorations around here. He probably wasn't in Hermitopia then.

That wasn't good.

Scar didn't recognise the voice of the person entering, and slid back on the bed, his back practically flat against the wall. The wall was ice cold, causing Scar to yell out. But he didn't care. He was terrified.

Fear was stronger than his other thoughts.

"OH that's cold- H-Hello? Who's t-there?"

"รςคг.. ฯ๏ย'гє คฬคкє. Շђคภк ງ๏๔. ฬคเՇ วยรՇ ๏ภє ๓๏๓є๒Շ, เ๓ ς๏๓เภງ เภ."

The voice that replied was glitchy, and sounded painful. Even if the words were softly spoken, rightfully enough, Scar was terrified. There was no reason he shouldn't be. I mean, he was meant to be dead wasn't he? Didn't he drown? Did he actually get saved? Who even knows anymore.

"W-Who's there?"

"ђคภງ ๏ภ.. ok, I'm coming เภ ภow."

The door opened fully. Scar looked up towards the door, to see a small, short blonde haired person walk through the door. They had gorgeous wings, a white, collared shirt, with a blood stain in the middle of it, and a pair of broken goggles sitting in the mess of blonde hair.

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