Chapter 10 : Foresight

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Quick notice! (Which is becoming usual at this point) I know some people headcannon Grian and Pearl to be siblings, so I just wanted to say that in this au, they are only close friends, and met in Evo.
That's all, enjoy this chapter!

That was it. She couldn't take it anymore.

Pearl stormed out of her room, slamming the door behind her. She couldn't believe that everyone had ignored her. Everyone had just accepted that Grian was missing, and Cleo was dead. But she just couldn't.

Grian and Pearl had been so close for so many years, it just wasn't fair. Maybe Mumbo would move on, maybe-
Wait, Mumbo couldn't have moved on.

Maybe Mumbo had agreed with her?

At least checking would be a good idea.
The elytra hung on the wall was almost imminently yanked off of the hook, and Pearl took off, accidentally using the wrong rockets, and nearly dying in the process.

"Where was Mumbo's base again? Oh yeah, by Grian's."

Along the way, something strange began to happen. As usual, the wind whistled loudly in her ears, but something was off. The wind slowly grew louder, and louder, until she could only her ringing in her ears. She tried covering her ears, but it kept ringing.

And ringing.

And ringing.

It just wouldn't stop.

Voices began to ring in her mind, and the unfamiliar feeling of lightheadedness began to take over, and the glitchy feeling in her mind began to grow.

White lights began to overcome her vision, and she made an emergency landing, landing on a familiar deepslate road, with copper running through the middle, the cool feeling of the common metal soothing her a little.

But she couldn't pinpoint the familiarity, not in her stressed out state.

Suddenly, the copper and deepslate faded away, and an almost lime green grass began to form below her.

Looking around, she noticed that the white light had stayed in her vision, around the edges, but she could see a different terrain to when she had landed.

Where was she?

Who was she?

"Hey! Who are you?"

Pearl glanced behind her, to see an almost neon person, with a link cosplay? At least, she thought so. The person began to run towards her, and helped her up from the ground.

"Uhm.. hi. Where am I?"

"Hello! This is Evolution SMP, and I'm Grian, the admin."

Pearl felt the blood drain from her face. This wasn't a real time moment, this was a view into an old memory!

"Pearl? Are you ok?"

Pearl fell to the ground, the feeling from a few moments ago returning. Except this time, she felt like she was genuinely going to faint.

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