Chapter 9 : In a new Town (edited)

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Ok, don't question the new characters in this chapter, I need a plot twist. No lore from the other world will cross over, I just need more characters to work with.

'Kill them all, Grian~'

That same, stupid sentence had been repeating in his mind over and over again, since he had woken up.

But for all he knew, he had no clue who "them" was, or even who the voice was.

But whatever it was, it was... mysteriously hypnotic.

And it's commands were.. in a way, kind of enticing?

He couldn't tell anymore.

But whoever the owner of the hotel was, they were really starting to get on his nerves.

Something that had come free with the room was a complementary breakfast, but with the avian not needing to eat, he didn't go down for it, and instead stayed in his room, coming up with plans to find his friends.

But when he had gone downstairs to check out, the owner had made several comments on his appearance, his wings, and asking why he didn't come down for the breakfast.

The lack of sleep seemed to catch up to Grian, and he froze, unable to answer anything, and instead paying for his room with a cheque, seeing as he had no money on him.

So he was just stood there, accepting the rude comments made towards him, paying, and heading back upstairs to grab his small amount of stuff - his sweater (he was just wearing his collared shirt to look a bit smarter), and his small packet of sugar that he had grabbed at the hotel, and stuck in his pocket.

Now with his stuff, and with a few little cups of milk (you know those little ones they do at hotels for making tea?) to his name, he left the hotel, and vowed to himself to NEVER go there again. Unless he was desperate.

But it was a last resort to him, and no matter what he did, the cold, heartless glare from the hotel owner stayed in his mind. And not for a good reason.

Yet with the task at hand was at the very least a distraction to the thoughts.

Multiple times he had seen people from Hermitcraft walking through the busy winter market he had stopped by at (to look for a coat of some kind, because his sweater wasn't helping).

But it was always someone similar, or the right person with different attributes or memories.

At one point, he could have sworn he saw Gem running a market stall, yet when he walked up to the person, they acted like Gem, and their name was even Gem, but she was a princess. Not like the Hermitcraft Gem at all.

And he had seen False around too, along with his close friend who he liked to mess with a lot, Jimmy. He was so certain about it, that he began to chase after "Jimmy", because he had completely lost all hope of finding his was back to Hermitcraft.

But while not paying attention, he ran into someone, knocking both of them over.

"I'm so sorry!"

Grian stood up quickly, and held out his hand to the person he had knocked over. The person was quite tall, with teal hair, and a brightly coloured suit. He seemed familiar.. Wait..

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