Chapter 13 : The Otherside

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I tried.

I tried so hard, but I couldn't regain control.

This stupid thing. It's never going to let me go. It never will. I've been forced to watch as it terrorises Grian, hurts him and destroys any hopes I have or ever had of regaining Grian's trust.

Warning Scar was all I could do. I couldn't become part of my body, but I was able to take the form of another. An unused skin, old and unused for, well, years now.

It was originally a ghost skin, but it fully took over the properties of a spirit, and soon enough, it was fully a ghost.

Talking to Scar was the easy bit of saving Grian, the hard bit was now protecting Scar from the danger he was putting both him and his friends in, and the only thing making sure the spell didn't lift early, was me.

Me, the stupid murderer who hurt Grian, now had an evil alter ego who was terrorising Grian, and an entire other server. It wasn't believable, even for my standards, but I was able to just grit my teeth, and get through it.

I'd done that for years now. Every murder I was forced to do, every attack I was forced to do, I obliged, no other option.

I never should have ignored them.

But it was truly too late now.

All I could do was protect Grian for as long as possible, to regain control of the ghost skin, and save both Grian and Empires SMP.

I had been a monster all my life, but maybe now, ten years later, I could show Grian who I truly could be.

A hero.


"Scar! Scar, come here!"

I came running as soon as I heard my name. Mumbo and Pearl had finally figured out how to get the book we needed, without risking Impulse telling X.

Now, we could finally begin the process of reopening of the rift, but first, we had to rewire Grumbot. Even with the book, we needed Grumbot to remove the shell that had formed around the tiny portal, before it had fully filled in.

There was no way for Grumbot to reverse what he'd done, whatever he had done though, I could barely remember, but Grumbot was needed to reopen the rift regardless of his actions. We had chosen politeness last time, but clearly that failed, so we'd be using force this time. We would fully destroy Grumbot if necessary, and just ask X.

But obviously, that was a risky move, as X could stop us worldhopping, and ban us from Hermitcraft. It was just Mumbo, Pearl and I that were in on the plan, and absolutely nobody else was allowed to know. Absolutely nobody.

Mumbo sent in the first message to Grumbot, reading:

Hello Grumbot, I have a special request for you.

Grumbot sent back the reply pretty quickly, to our thankfulness, and even better, he wasn't being aggressive yet.

Hello Creator! How can I help?

We need to get this rift open. I know you don't like controlling the rift, so instead you just need to remove the shell.

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