Chapter 4: The bird has vanished..

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Quick notice beforehand!
The idea for part of this chapter was based off of a comment from this person here!
Thanks for the idea!

Quick notice beforehand!The idea for part of this chapter was based off of a comment from this person here!Thanks for the idea!

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I don't question the pfp I swear!
But anyways, moving on! Enjoy the chapter!

"Grian is... missing."
The news shook the hermits to the core. A few people grew pale, some began to cry, and others gasped in shock. And by others, I mean Mumbo.
"We should search the surrounding area. He couldn't have gone far, maybe he's gotten lost."

That evening, every hermit was searching through the streets of the small town, every now and again someone getting lost in the winding alleyways.

How had Grian navigated through this?

The group searched without any luck, and eventually stopped for the night at around 3 or 4 AM, most hermits falling asleep as soon as they got back.

But two didn't.


"H-Hey Is-Iskall?"
He looked over to Mumbo, who was hunched over a small device, with a black and white video playing on it.

"I have an idea. You know those cameras we saw when we got here?"
"Yeah? What does that have to.. Oh!"
"Well, I had a look at the footage, and found this."

The pair looked at the small device, as Mumbo set the time to around 6pm, then pressed play.

"The clip is around 30 seconds long, but it's really confusing."
Then Iskall saw it.
Grian, gliding out of his window, and gracefully landed in the street, glanced around, and began to walk forwards.
"This isn't even the confusing part."

Then, as Mumbo said, Grian did something strange. He stopped in front of the place they were staying in. And his expression changed, going from normal, to a screwed up, worried face. A few tears rolled down his face, and he mopped them up, walked off, and the footage stopped.

"See? Somethings up."
"Yes, that may be the sky. But more importantly, why our place?"
"That's what I don't understand."

Silence ran through the pair for a minute, then something came into Mumbo's mind.

"Did something happen to Grian here?"

Iskall looked up, and determination rose on both mens' faces.

"Well, let's go see if we can find anything then?"

A few more hours passed, leaving the time at around 7.30am, though neither person was tired, despite living on 7 hour sleeps and just pulling an all-nighter. There was one room left to check. The empty bedroom.

Neither redstoner had taken it, as it was the smallest room, and neither had high expectations to find anything. The only reason they were both still searching was because they were clinging onto the small amount of hope, the slim chance they would find something.

It took longer than expected to search the room, and nothing was found.

"God, I thought we were so close!"
The mustached man yelled, knocking a box next to him over.

"Wait, Mumbo! Look at this!"

Out of the box had fallen out a small, maybe 100 page journal, with name on the front reading : Taurtis, once Grian.

The title made the redstoners' blood run cold.
The pair glanced at eachother, and flung open the cover, to see neat writing covering the pages. The first entry was titled : Why me?, and it read:

Dear Diary (if there's anyone there),

I can't believe it.
Sam stabbed Taurtis last night.
I absolutely HATE how nobody is stopping him, no police, no help, just yOuR oN yOuR oWn GrI- i MeAn, tAuRtIs.
I'm sick of it.

Just like that, my best friend, dead in my arms. And now I'm just sat here, being forced to pretend to be my dead best friend.
Sam, Yuki, ALL OF THEM, I wish they would stop! It hurts so bad!

They won't let me say anything that wouldn't be said by Taurtis, I have to talk like him, act like him, eat like him, and worst of all, wear the clothes off of his corpse!
This is sick. Sam is, hands down, the WORST person I have EVER met.

I wish I'd never agreed to come here!
I wish my parents never divorced!
I wish Sam had stayed as nice as he was in our old school!
I wish Taurtis was here.

I guess my wishes will never come true though.
I will just have to survive here long enough to get into the admin college.

Studying starts today, I have to hope I'm not dragged around everywhere by Sam, or else he will ruin my life!

Remember me one day, as
-Grian, not Taurtis!

Reading the entry brought tears to both Mumbo and Iskall's eyes.
Along with the entry, they realised something.
The server was on permadeath.

Also, had Grian really gone through this?
Why didn't he tell anyone!

This "Sam" person sounded horrible!

"S-So, do y-you reckon th-those are the c-clothes he was fo-forced to wear?"
Mumbo whispered, his voice shaking as he spoke, as he pointed to a blue shirt hung up on a shelf behind him.


The two looked at eachother, fear clouding their mind.

They both spoke at the same time, with the same sentence.
"Let's tell X."


Word count : 846

(Totally not Thriller)

God I hate writing chapters that just involve two characters, especially in one scenario! They are so annoying for me! But I can't just put a million characters in every chapter, especially seeing as I'm trying to add more story progression!

Here's my current problem.

I'm suffering from a lack of feedback, so I have no idea what you guys want added, removed or  your opinions!

So I would like it if people can give me some ideas/feedback in the comments! If I use any ideas, I will give credit at the start of the chapter, and please remind me if I don't!

Hope everyone is enjoying this so far!
(Hopefully I'll find out if people comment!)

A/N word count : 139

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