Chapter three : Broken Mind

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The office door was wide open.

That morning, Grian had been woken up by a cold draft blowing into the room, and the door, which just a few hours ago had been locked shut, wide open.

He had wandered out a few times after seeing more shadows, but saw nobody. All he could hear was his breathing and his footsteps in the echoing building.

While walking around, something had become clear to Grian as he walked around the hellhole he once loved.
It was bigger than when he last went there. Areas had been entirely rebuilt, and there were parts of the school he had never seen before.


Grian spun around anxiously, but nobody was there. He was hallucinating like crazy.  The only thing there was a door, blocked off by around twenty lockers. It was probably also a hallucination, but he didn't have any other option.

Was that the exit behind them?

No, it couldn't be..

Could it?

Grian ran to the lockers, a sick feeling growing in his stomach. That was the way out. It wasn't a hallucination.

That was the way he had entered, and it was now blocked up. He was trapped.

Something did momentarily cross his mind though.

If he was the only person in the building, then how did the lockers get there?

And along with that, each locker weighed at least double his weight. There was no way in hell he could move them.

He was fully trapped in this hellhole. All he could do was survive until the hermits came to have their 'ghost tour'.

But for all he knew, that may never happen.
Especially if he was "missing".

He couldn't tell anyone he was ok, as his communicator was missing. He didn't know where he'd left it, and it would take too long to look for it.

The avian would have to gather whatever he could, and try and survive like he was in an apocalypse.

First priority: Food.

The night Grian went missing..

The elf yawned sleepily in his small bedroom. The sun was setting over the street, causing a beautiful pinky-yellow sunset to illuminate the sky. This was his favourite time of day, and he only had to lightly prompt himself to take a picture.

It was worth picking the top floor now, Scar decided, as despite the smaller room, he was able to enjoy the sun falling below the glowing skyline.

Grian would love to go flying in this light.

Maybe he could ask Grian to go flying? He had seemed down recently, and maybe some flying would do him good. For now though, where was his elytra?

After a few minutes of searching, his elytra was nowhere to be found, so he reluctantly decided to ask his housemate, BDubs, if he knew where it was.

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