Chapter 11 : Reopening the rift

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The three had almost immediately gone down to Grumbot's cave after they had heard what Pearl had said. While Grumbot had been decommissioned for around two months, Mumbo vaguely remembered how to rebuild him, and Grumbot's ai was up and running within around an hour. The content generator and the wool farm were also not working properly, but that was the least of the trios concerns.

What everyone was focused on, was what to say to Grumbot. Mumbo had at first thought about immediately asking about opening the rift, but Pearl had mentioned about how this worlds Grumbot had never spoken to him, and may not know it's him.

Scar had also suggested that they just outright tell Grumbot that Grian was missing, and that he should tell Grumbot, as he had actually spoken to him before. But although they all agreed that Scar should talk to Grumbot, nobody felt certain about Grumbot's opinion on Grian. Not after they had seen the clip of Grumbot saying to Grian "my grian was sorry too".

Eventually, the group decided on just introducing Mumbo to Grumbot, and getting him on board slowly, but surely.
But nobody could have guessed what would happen next. Or maybe you could? Oh well.

Hello Grumbot, this is Mumbo Jumbo
My creator! Grian has left me.
He didn't leave you, he is in empires SMP.
He has left me...
We want him back in Hermitcraft. Can you reopen the rift to Empires?
I do not want to reopen the rift to a pointless universe.
Grumbot, activate rift opening.
I have a purpose now, why do we need him back?
He is our friend, and Empires has information.
Let's purge the purposeless universe.
Grumbot, snap out of it.
Permadeath is now active in Empires SMP.
Creating Empires SMP: Leave server barrier
Grumbot, activate voice ai.
Request declined. Purpose continuing..
Grumbot, open admin abilities, this is Scar now.
Creating Hermitcraft: Join server barrier...
Purpose not found. Spawning... "wither x10" in "Empires SMP"
Deactivate admin abilities.
Adding "god strength 20" to "wither x10" on "Empires SMP".

It was then that Mumbo yelled out to both Pearl and Scar to destroy Grumbot's ai, before anything bad happened. Grumbot was now officially out of service, and with a server barrier now active, nobody could join the server if they had left over two days ago.

But what was not only confusing, but worrying too, was that only admins could create server barriers, meaning Grumbot had the abilities of an admin.

"Wait! I have an idea!"
Pearl and Mumbo turned to look at Scar, who's face was seemingly bright and happy.
Pearl sighed, and nodded.
"Go ahead, what's up?"

"What if, we try and reopen the rift with an illegal flint and steel?"

"Now, that would work, but how would we get our hands on one? Grumbot isn't functioning properly, so he isn't an option, not for now anyway."
"Yeah, and where would we get one without X finding out?"

Scar shook his head at the other two, seemingly finding their guesses funny.

"I know for a fact that Impulse can get any enchantment he wants from an enchanting table! It's an ability he has. Including illegal ones."

Pearl looked to Mumbo as if to say 'help', but when Mumbo looked back blankly, Pearl sighed, and slowly began to answer for the pair.

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