Chapter 5 : Broken

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Chapter TWs!
S@m, swearing

"Help me! Is anyone there?"
The crashing sounds ran through the echoing hallways, as blood dripped from the avian's knuckles, as he fought against the lockers in front of the door.

"Stop trying, you will only injure yourself."

Upon hearing 'the hallucination', he didn't turn around. Footsteps began to come closer to him.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Tau- Grian?"

He turned around, and the person stood there, leaning over him, was Sam. Tears gathered in his eyes, and he covered his face with his arms, expecting to be attacked.

But surprisingly, his arm was gently pulled aside, and the avian was pulled to his feet.

"L-Look. I know what I've done in the past wasn't the best. Just, please-"

"You can't apologise now! Look at what you've done!"

Sam's expression was covered in guilt, which shocked Grian. A lot. But the only emotion he could recognise in his body was anger, all pent up from all those years ago.

"I know you won't forgive me, but can I at the very least have another chance."

"Absolutely not! You sick fuck! You trapped me in here didn't you! Admit it-"
Grian's temper was flaring up, his wings shielding him.

"They trapped us in here! I did nothing!"
Sam yelled, anxiously glancing around the hallways surrounding them.

"Shut up! You are probably just a hallucination anyway!"

"Slap my arm then, if I'm a hallucination!"

Grian froze, and was unsure of what to do, and cautiously took a step back, expecting a knife to come into Sam's hand.


Sam's expression became worried, as he looked Grian dead in the eyes.

"How long has it been since you've eaten."

"One, maybe two days. It doesn't matter to you. Why do you care?"

"Grian, it's been around ten years, people can change."

The avian stepped backwards, until he felt his back hit the wall.
"I don't believe that. Not for ONE second."

"Just think about it. And anyway, even if I didn't, you would still need to eat."
"Well, what can you even do about it?"
"Do you want any food?"

Grian nodded, but was doubtful at what he would be given.
"What are- what food do you-"
"I've got some sandwiches?"

"O-Ok.. Wait! There's a knife in your pocket!"

"There isn't? Oh, hallucinations, isn't it?"


"Oh god, breathe, breathe."

"Ta- Taur- tis?"
The avian began to feel lightheaded, and dropped to the floor, clutching his head. To his surprise, Sam was.. trying to calm him down?

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