Chapter 15 : Our End?

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Hiyaaaaaaaaa reader!
Straight into the action today :O
Let's get into it!
And don't worry, this isn't the actual end..
For now ;)

Scar's POV

I slammed the door open, and hurried into the shack, with Pearl's unconscious body in my arms. Grian was still asleep. Well, probably not for much longer anyway, there's no way he could still be asleep after hearing a massive crashing at sound.

As expected, he stirred, sitting up in the bed, and looking at my panicked expression, before looking at the person in my arms. Tears began to stream down his l face, and unlike earlier, he didn't make an effort to wipe them.

"Ꭾєคгɭ! ฬђคՇ ๔เ๔ รค๓ ๔๏ Շ๏ ђєг?"

Grian cried, running up to me. There was even more tears in his eyes, as he rubbed his hand over Pearl's cheek, getting some blood on his hands, while a thought crossed my mind.

"He's still got Mumbo, but- Grian.. we- we have to leave. Now. I-I don't want to lose you."

"๒ยՇ เ ςคภՇ ɭєค۷є Շђє รєг۷єг! Շђєгєร ค ๒คггเєг ๏ภ Շђє ฬ๏гɭ๔, เՇร ๔๏ฬภ Շ๏ รค๓ ๔ฯเภງ ՇђคՇ ฬเɭɭ ɭєՇ ๓є ɭєค۷є. คภ๔ คภฯฬคฯ, เ๓ ภ๏Շ ɭєค۷เภງ ๓ย๓๒๏!"

"Well, whatever we do, we can't stay here. Sam knows we've been staying here, he'll be back soon to try and take you. We have to hurry, grab anything you think you'll need or want, and let's go."

He nodded at me, and I went to the door, making sure I had two empty buckets with me. Sure, if we're outside when he's sick, it probably won't matter. But, if my plan works, the buckets (and Grian) could be a good weapon. I hope.

Grian returned to me after a few minutes, with a few of his belongings in his inventory, and tears in his eyes. He probably missed Mumbo, and felt bad for Pearl, but what could I do? But also, I mean, fair enough. They were both so close.

He was definitely going to have to deal with the trauma of Pearl nearly dying, and she would probably still die, but if he lost Mumbo too? He'd probably take his own life to be with them. What would I do then?

I didn't want to take my life to be with Grian. Or Pearl. Or Mumbo. Or, well, anyone! I knew people still cared for me, and the least I could do was make it back alive. If they had to lose three others, they could at least get me back too.

But at that moment, I had a dying Pearl in my arms. And that was when Pearl was the priority, as it was actually Pearl on my shoulder. Just, instead of crying, she was bleeding out.

And besides the decision to look at Pearl's dying body, there were two big decisions that we could make at that moment.

1. Heal up Pearl a bit, and then leave.
Downsides : Wastes time until Sam arrives
Chance of Sam finding us : 90%

2. Leave immediately, and heal Pearl when we're in a safer place.
Downsides : Risking Pearl's life
Chance of Sam finding us : 10%

So obviously, it was pretty much a lose-lose situation.

Just what we needed.

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