Chapter 8 : Ghostal Escape

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It had taken around two and a half hours, but the avian had finally made it to the city in the distance.

His wings ached, his feathers were messy, yet he was still not hungry or thirsty. It was a weird feeling, he could still taste things, but he just couldn't feel anything from them.

Then again, trying to eat a few leaves and drinking some water probably wasn't a good way to test things.

Ok, reel back - what had happened to him?

Last thing he remembered.
Was... the school.
Wait.. was it?

There were loose fragments of memories.
Parts of him waking up that he couldn't fully manage to fully comprehend, and therefore ended up in smaller pieces.

One memory in particular wouldn't (or couldn't?) leave his mind.

A car raced past him, splashing him, and whoever was carrying him. They shook their head furiously, and cursed angrily; a few drops falling into the floor.

He was with Sam.
He tried to move, but his body didn't react. He couldn't do anything, yet his mind was awake, he could see! But all he could do was lay there, heart racing madly.

He was being carried along a road, on top of Sam's back? Wherever they were going, it wasn't near his friends. The path they were walking along wasn't familiar to him, despite growing up there.

Of all the times he could have woken up, it was then. There was nothing he could do.

His body begun to slip out of Sam's grasp, but he still couldn't move. He panicked, and as he didn't know what was below him, began to hyperventilate, and somehow Sam didn't notice. He would have to move, chances were, to get his attention.

He began to stir weakly, noticing the vibrations from walking had stopped. Sam had stopped walking, and was now looking at him, with an almost hopeful expression.

Sam had definitely seen his eyes weakly open, and he... smiled?

"Hey, Grian. There's nowhere to stop for now, so just try and get some rest. I'll explain in a bit."

He weakly nodded, before letting his head drop again. But he didn't sleep, just closed his eyes, and began to think.

He missed Mumbo.
He missed Scar, and wanted to apologise to him.
But all he could do was sleep, and think, and maybe sleeping would help him come up with a plan.

At least now he knew that a plan was unnecessary. This scene had been replaying in his mind repeatedly, as he walked along the city streets.

As expected, a few people had looked at him weirdly because of his wings, and skin colour.

But nobody really stared, or said anything , they all rushed to where they were going, and slowly, the attention began to stop, and he was able to forget about the stupid stares from kids.

At least, for a while anyway.

Eventually, the sun started to set over the trees in the distance. But without money, his main concern was to survive the night from mobs.

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