Chapter 17 : The end (as we know it?)

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Ok, so I had no ideas. This is the last chapter, BUT, I made it work. Read till the end, and you'll see!

Sorry for the gap in posting, writers block sucks. Like seriously, why? It's ruined my upload schedule (..not like I had one in the first place).

Also, Grian almost dies in this chapter.

Damn, I've really put Grian a suicide mission in this book haven't I? Well, perks of being able to (partially) relate to the characters ig. (And no, I will not elaborate on this)

Anyways, ignore my rambling if you want, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Grian's POV

I couldn't have been asleep for longer than half an hour, when I heard a loud crash awake me from my sleep. Thank god the sickness had stopped though, the demon losing control of Sam must have reversed my sickness.

I wish I knew how though.

As I sat up, I saw that there was a black shadow in the middle of the room. The shape was confusing to me, that was, until it wasn't.

The shadow was twisted and deformed, making the room feel eerie. Red smoke seemed to fill the room, before it dispersed again, revealing...


Why him?

"Hey Grian~"

"Why- w-what are you?"

"Did you miss me?"

The shadow had formed into Sam. But not the "changed" one.

The old one.

Blue eyes, bunny hat, hell, even our old school uniform. But there was an uneasy atmosphere that seemed to radiate from it... not like there wasn't before. But this time, it had blood dripping from its eyes, and random areas of its character that seemed glitchy, and distorted.

In its hands, there was a blue and purple staff. At a closer look, I suddenly realised that it was Shelby's staff. It wasn't as alarming to me as it should have been, until the thought process finally hit me.

It was the one she'd trapped the demon in.

And it was snapped in half.

"S-Sam- or, whatever you are. J-Just why?.. Why now? Why me?"

"Stop being so self centred! It's me! Your best friend Sam! Surely you've missed me, right? RIGHT?"

"I'm self centred?"

"Well why else would you try and bring a conversation of our past into a story about you. oH, iM gRiAn, Im ThE mAiN cHaRaCtEr. Shut the fuck up."

"This is a joke. This is a joke. I'm dreaming. This isn't real..."

"Oh, but unluckily for you, it isn't! I'm very much real, and here. I may not have access to, well, the failure that is Sam now, but I have access to his past self. You might recognise him."

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