Chapter 7 : Zombified Player Theory

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Two and a half hours.

That's how long Grian had been "dead". How long Sam had been trudging along the side of the road. How long Sam had been trying to gather the words to explain the thing that had been in his mind since his high school years.

But, in the present, the bunny man's legs were beginning to weaken, and he began looking around for a hotel of some kind. And to his luck, just a few minutes later, one came into view. It wasn't very good quality, but it would do for the moment.

He placed Grian on the hotel room's bed, and sat himself on the couch, where he placed his head on his knees, holding back his urges to attack the weak bird.

Grian was dead.
Wasn't he?

He felt deja-vu.

He hadn't avoided the police for two years, escaped an asylum, fought the thing in his mind and successfully tracked Grian down to be unable to apologise to the avian.

Tears began to grow in his eyes. He didn't fight them, he just let them roll down his face. He shivered in the cold breeze.
Wait.. how was there a breeze?

He turned around, but saw nothing. A lightbulb exploded behind him, catching his attention. The same thing happened to all the lightbulbs in the room, leaving him in darkness.

Mist began to fill the room, leaving nothing visible. Sam couldn't even see his hand in front of his face. For a few moments anyway.

An orange light had begun to form behind him, as he heard a window shatter. Panic filled his mind, as he felt himself get lightheaded.

'This is for disobeying us, Sam.'

They had threatened a punishment last time he had disobeyed them, and they had now delivered. It only took a few seconds for him to clock why he felt lightheaded.

There was a fire. He was inhaling toxic fumes. Grian was going to be in danger, whether he was dead or alive, he was sure toxic fumes would hurt regardless.

Despite his own safety being the obvious choice for him, Grian was never going to be brought back, dead or alive, if he left him to die in flames.

"Grian? If you can hear me, hit something around you!"

The sound of a bed creaking ran through the room. Grian was finally awake! But they were in danger, and he would have to hurry if he wanted them both out alive.

"I've gotta- gotta get him out of there."

The fire was worse near where Grian was. Had Grian caused it? Who was he to know.

Only one thing crossed his mind.
If Grian was going to ever forgive him, it was now or never.

'Don't you dare Sam. We can do worse.'

Sam ignored the voice, for once not worried about the outcome. They had only ever threatened him. They wouldn't do worse, right?

He found the bed, finally, and grabbed Grian's arm. He felt Grian's hand grab his back, as Sam pulled him up.

"Who- is this y-you, S-Sam?"
"Yeah, let's get out of here."

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