Chapter 1

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"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Hayley exclaimed as she ran towards me, her face buried in a piece of paper. She stumbled over a brick and scrambled herself onto the bench that I was sitting on, practically out of breath.

I simply raised an eyebrow and just stared at her, waiting for her rant to start, since she was obviously pissed about something.

"You know how the other side of campus burned down before the summer, right?" She asked, presumably directed at me, although her full focus was still on the piece of paper.

"Uh, yeah?" I muttered questioningly, then snatching the piece of paper from her hands and throwing it behind me. "Why?"

Hayley's expression became desperate as she turned towards me. "Well, they are reassigning all of the rooms on our side until they rebuild it! We're going to have to share our rooms with... with guys!" She practically cried out, perhaps a little overdramatically.

I frowned and quickly grabbed the piece of paper from the ground, mumbling as I read the words. Well fuck, she was right.

"That doesn't make sense." I murmured bitterly. "I mean- why not put more of the girls together? Why mix? That's... that's just creepy."

"Creepy is an understatement." Ashley then commented in an annoyed tone as she joined in on the conversation. "They better put me together with someone hot, or asses will be kicked." She added with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and smiled a bit as I looked around campus, eyeing the guys who we shared all of our classes with. I prayed to the gods that they wouldn't put me together with one of the jocks or the supposed pretty boys. Anybody but them, I beg of you.

Hayley and Ashley had basically been my best friends since the first year of high school. Hayley was a pretty, colorful, hyper and happy-go-lucky girl who always portrayed her emotions a little bit more extreme than anyone else would. Ashley was pretty much the opposite; dark, seductive, grumpy and yet flirty. Compared to them, I was pretty normal. I suppose I was a bit of a mix between the two, which balanced it out.

Some people occasionally compared us to the powerpuff girls. Lord help me.

"So how are they going to do this?" I then asked, earning both Hayley's and Ashley's attention again. "Will they inform who we're stuck with somehow or am I going to find someone in my shower when I get back to my dorm room tonight?"

"I kinda expect the latter." Ashley then grumbled.

"I hope they put me with someone nice." Hayley then suddenly muttered below her breath.

I looked over at her and saw her cheeks burn up below her fiery orange hair as her eyes followed someone on the other side of campus. I followed her gaze and chuckled silently as I realized whom she was staring at... Kellin fucking Quinn. Hayley had a major crush on him, but honestly, who didn't? He would merely smile and it'd make just about every girl weak in her knees. Well, every girl except Ash and me. To us it was pretty hilarious.

"Well if they saddle me up with Chris Cerulli, they better get to thickening the walls soon." Ash noted with a grin as she then spotted 'her guy' and licked her lips.

"God, you're disgusting." I told her with a chuckle.

She blew me a kiss and a wink before then getting up and fluttering off to Chris, swerving her hips left and right as she approached him. One could probably describe her little act as the school's slut with a dark side. She wasn't really like that though. She was pretty nice and honestly head-over-heels for this Chris guy. Personally I thought he was just a bit creepy... which was actually pretty much perfect for her.

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