Chapter 2

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The next morning started as it always would... I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, signaling that the first day of the week had started again. I yawned and stretched my arms into the air. "Dear god." I muttered to myself as I realized just how deeply I had slept. I didn't even remember dreaming anything.

I threw my comforter off my body and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, letting out yet another yawn. I was so obviously not ready for this day. 

I then jumped out of bed and rubbed my eyes as I went straight for the bathroom, as I always did. Lord I was so grateful that every dorm room had their own bathroom.

I pushed on the door handle and stumbled inside, meeting a wave of hot air. I frowned questioningly and finally opened my eyes. I couldn't believe what I saw when my eyes took in what was right in front of me. 

It was Vic- naked! Butt-fucking-naked! 

"Oh my god." I gasped as I quickly covered my eyes and blindly reached for the door again, ready to storm out.

I shut the bathroom door behind me and sucked in a sharp breath, not being able to get the visual of naked Vic Fuentes off my retina. 

Right, I was sharing my room. Fuck- this was going to be a horrible year. I mean, don't get me wrong, Vic looked- well- pretty well toned and all that. But, I didn't exactly need to know what my room mate's every inch looked like. Every... inch... oh lord.

I stumbled over into the kitchen area, desperate for some coffee when I ran into Tony. Oh right, there was another one. "Good morning." He said, all happily.

"Morning." I murmured, leaving out the 'good' since it honestly wasn't.

"Coffee?" He then asked. I simply nodded as I watched him take a mug from one of the cabinets and poured coffee into it, adding a big swig of milk and just a little bit of sugar. "Sorry, did you want anything in it? I forgot to ask."

I blinked profusely for a few seconds and took the mug from his hands. "No, I mean- yeah this is perfect, thank you." How did he guess that this was exactly how I liked my coffee?

Tony then simply smiled and walked passed me out of the kitchen area. I noticed a familiar scent following him as he walked by. Hold on a minute... that was the smell of my body wash?! 

"Turtle!" I yelled after him, making him stop dead in his tracks and turn towards me on his heels. "Did you fucking use my body wash?!"

He scratched the back of his head and smiled nervously. "Uh, no?" He muttered.

It wasn't long then before Vic came out of the bathroom and walked towards Tony, the same smell hanging off his skin. "God damn it, you too?!" I snapped at him.

"What?" Vic asked with a sly grin. "It's just some body wash, big deal. Now I know why you always smell so good, even after gym." He noted as he started packing his backpack with the books for his classes of that day.

I huffed and crossed my arms, feeling my cheeks burn up. But not in embarrassment, it was more like annoyance. How dare they! "Well if it runs out, you better buy me a new one."

Vic chuckled and threw a book in my direction. I caught it only just in time in both my hands and frowned. "Yeah, yeah, I will. Come on, first period is Spanish class, mi gordita."  

I gasped and let my jaw drop as I realized what he'd just called me. A devilish smirk appeared on his face as he threw his bag over his shoulder and walked passed me, Tony closely behind him. 

"First of all, I am not your girl!" I then barked, quickly following both of them down the hall. "And second of all, I am not chubby!"

"Your Spanish is better than I thought." Vic then stated, not looking back at me at all and just walking on. "I wonder who you should be thanking for that." He was obviously referring to himself, since he had helped me to learn for the big test that we had at the end of last year, but no way I was going to give him credit for that after what happened this morning.

"Mister Preciado, of course- our teacher, who else?" I told him as I nudged him aside with my book and went into class.

"Buenos dias, miss Michaels." The teacher said to me as I walked by, heading for my seat near the window. "I assume you had a good summer?" 

"Muy bueno." I told him, hoping that giving him an answer in Spanish would please him enough and leave me the heck alone for the rest of the class.  

Of course mister Preciado would spend the entire hour and a half talking about nothing but his summer vacation in Spain, the majority of it being told in Spanish too. Vic and Tony would interact with him, joking about how Mexico is better than Spain. Or at least- that's as far as I could understand their quick blabbing. I could easily understand Spanish when people would talk at a normal speed... but as soon as these guys got comfortable in the language, they'd just rattle on and I'd become totally lost.

After class, it was time for a smoke. I flew out of the classroom and practically ran outside, knowing I only had a few minutes before gym class started and I needed to change still. I quickly lit up a cigarette, near the outdoor running track and took a big drag.  

"Ah, look who hasn't given up on college yet." I heard a familiar voice behind me say. I turned around on my heels and faced the two supposed badasses of school; Ronnie Radke and Andy Biersack. "Ready for gym?" Ronnie asked. 

"Ugh, am I ever?" I muttered as I rolled my eyes.  

"Looks like you could use some though." He then stated with a grin. "Got a lighter for me?"  

I groaned in annoyance and threw my lighter at his head. Asshole

It bounced off his forehead and landed exactly in Andy's hand, making him throw a grateful wink in my direction, as he always would. I didn't really know the two of them very well... we'd only occasionally talk when we were outside at the same time having a smoke. I did share gym class, English class and music classes with them but we didn't really connect or ever work together.

And we didn't have to. Some people were just... there. At least we didn't hate each other. Apart from Ronnie's occasional shitty remarks.  

"Dear god, you still smoke?" Ash then asked as she came up to me, doing her usual walk, swerving her hips left and right as she passed closely by Andy and Ronnie. I chuckled a little as I watched them- or mostly Ronnie- stare at her ass.  

"Dear god, you're still getting on my case for it?" I retorted, making Andy laugh a little.  

She smirked and arched a single eyebrow. "Well get on with it, gym starts in like- well, three minutes ago. Do you want to piss off mister Sanders and make him have us run laps again just because you had to suck on some poisonous air?"  

"Oh right, because Sanders is so intimidating." I pointed out, putting extra sarcasm on my words since he was honestly not that bad. Plus, I was good at doing laps. I blew out my last drag and threw the cigarette bud in the bin. "Right, let's go then." 

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