Chapter 26

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I couldn't help myself... here's another chapter! and with that I wanted to thank everyone for being patient while I was MIA for like 2 months.. sorry about that. but I promise you, I'm back! 


"I'm leaving."

"Honey, don't go, it's your birthday." My mother pleaded. 

Wait- stop- she wasn't even my mother. Not my real mother anyways. This Carol person was my real mother. And this Oliver guy was my... my brother. And Brendon wasn't. It was going to break his little heart knowing all of this. Knowing that his father wasn't even his real father either. Oh fucking hell, what a mess.

Everyone stared at me with apologetic frowns. Everyone, except Oliver.

I really didn't want to be here anymore, though. This was too much.

"I'm leaving." I repeated firmly. I quickly snatched my keys, which were still on the floor, and made my way out of the house and down the street with a fast pace.

"Hold on." Oliver called out as he caught up with me. But I didn't slow down. I just kept on walking, and he stayed right beside me. "I'm really sorry about everything." He simply said. And I could hear that he was being sincere.

"Can you fucking believe it though!" I vented, waving my arms in the air as I stormed down the street. "I mean, 19 whole years filled with bullshit... I'm not even American!"

"Honestly I figured that was the best part of this whole fuck up, really."

I couldn't help but to laugh at his remark, and so did he. "See, it's not all bad." He pointed out as he gave me a playful nudge in the shoulder. "It can't get much worse anyway."

I snorted and slowed down my walking pace a little. "The only thing worse than this would be telling me that y'all are staying here and expecting to become one big, happy family." I retorted below my breath. When Oliver stayed quiet, I looked at him, only to find him staring at me with a mixture of amusement and guilt all over his face. "Oh you have got to be kidding me right!"

Oliver chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "One, big fucked up family." He simply told me.

Jesus fucking Christ.

"Just give it a chance, all right?" Oliver eventually pleaded. "Mum just wants her daughter back. And I- well I'm not such a horrible brother once you get to know me."

"I am afraid that you are exactly that." I told him jokingly. But my joking mood was gone pretty fast once I was faced with the facts. "I just need some time, okay? It's a lot to process."

By now we had already reached campus again. Oliver gave me a quick peck on my temple and smiled. "I get it. Take all the time you need, love." And with that, he said his goodbyes and jogged off back up the street.

There I was; left alone with my thoughts. It was what I wanted, but at the same time, it really wasn't. 

"Hey, you're back late." Tony noted as I walked into the dorm room.

"Family emergency." I simply told him. Tony just nodded in understanding. "Say, I'm just gonna go run the track for a little bit. See you later, alright?" I added as I grabbed my gym clothes and filled a bottle of water. 

Perhaps some running could help me clear my head for at least a little while.

"Alright. I'll make sure the shower is clean and ready for your use, ma'am." He knew that I had stopped using the gym's shower ever since the Jack and Alex incident. And why would I anyways with a bathroom in my own dorm?

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