Chapter 28

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"Well, here it is." My dad announced as he stopped the car.

I took my headphones off and looked out of the car window. There wasn't much to see though; a bright white wall blocked most of my view. I opened the car door and slowly climbed out. I was shocked when I first saw the size of the house. A big wall and a heavy metal gate surrounded it, and it looked crazy expensive. "So when I was born y'all didn't have enough money to take care of me, and now you live in a mansion. Right." I muttered bitterly.

"I realize that this is all a little late, but this is your home now too."

I sighed and threw my backpack over my shoulder. "Well great. So which room would be mine then?" I asked as I grabbed one of my boxes from the backseat of the car.

"Upstairs." My dad started. "Take the staircase to the right in the main hall, then down the hall upstairs, pass the big painting on your left and then the second door on the right."

"Mind drawing me a map?" I asked in a bored tone.

My dad sighed and walked up to the front door, with me trailing lazily behind him. "I'm sure Oliver can show you around." He told me as he unlocked the door. He waited for me to enter, and then locked it up again behind me.

I made my way up the stairs, to the right, down the hall... "Ah, there's the horrible painting." I muttered as I looked around me. This place was huge and so... white. It all looked really boring. "Second door on the... left, was it? Or right?" I groaned softly and just opened the first door that I saw.

"Well hello, love." Oliver greeted me kindly. He was laying on his bed watching TV- one the size of like a twin fridge. "Wasn't convinced that you were actually coming." He admitted with a smile.

I shrugged a little, holding my box of random things firmly to my chest. "Well, I did." I simply stated. "Was just looking for my room so I can dump this."

Oliver turned off the TV and jumped off his bed. "It's just down the hall here, I'll show you." I let him pass me and followed him down the hall. Right- second door on the right. That was it.

He led me into the room and immediately I was shocked by the mere size of it. And of course it had the same amount of white as everywhere else I had been so far. There was a king sized bed against the left wall, a love seat in the middle of the room, a big TV on the wall opposite of the bed, a make-up table between the two huge windows and a walk-in closet which was basically the size of my old bedroom.

"Welcome home, sis." Oliver said after a moment of silence.

"Yeah... home." It certainly didn't feel like it. This place felt like an overly expensive hotel. Oliver hugged me for a moment and then left me by myself in the big room. I swore that I could almost hear an echo bouncing off the walls as he closed the door behind him.

I dropped the box and my backpack on the floor and let myself fall onto the bed with a deep sigh. Well at least it was a comfortable bed. I rolled over onto my stomach and pulled my phone out of my pocket, quickly typing a message to Vic.

ME: I'm at the new house... can't believe how big it is... I'm pretty sure I will have peed my pants before I ever find a bathroom around here.

Only seconds later I already got a response.

VIC <3: it can't be that bad... want me to come over?

I smiled at his suggestion.

ME: yeah, I could use some company.

Dinnertime was... painful, to say the least. It was awkward and quiet. None of us said much at all. Oliver was out, so it was just the parents and me. When my dad asked me what I thought of the house, I just shrugged. I didn't think anything of it, really. Apart from the fact that it was big and white. Too big and too white.

Silently I helped my mother clean the table and put the dishes in the washer. "I really hope you will like it here, love." She said to me in a sweet tone.

I just threw her a quick smile and nodded. I honestly didn't know what to say. I tried, but it still felt weird. I just couldn't help it.

"Holly, there's someone here for you." My father called out.

I followed his voice to the hallway in a jog, already knowing whom it was. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that, dad." I reminded my father as I walked up to him. I instantly smiled as I saw Vic standing beside him. He waved at me awkwardly as his eyes scanned the big hall, which made me laugh.

"So who is this gentleman exactly, love?" My dad then asked.

"This is Vic, dad. He's my boyfriend. Now if you will excuse us..." I quickly grabbed onto Vic's hand and skipped away towards the stairs, dragging him behind me.

"Nice to meet you." Vic awkwardly blurted out to my dad as he followed me up the stairs.

"Pleasure." I heard my dad mutter, not sounding all too convincing. And I couldn't help but to snicker a little.

We quickly made our way to my bedroom and I firmly shut the door behind us. "You weren't kidding when you said that this place was huge." Vic pointed out in shock as he looked around him. "Did you find a bathroom yet?"

I chuckled a little and jumped onto my bed. "Yeah I did, actually. It's right across from here."

I smiled and patted the spot beside me, signaling for Vic to come over. He smiled back and walked up to me, but he didn't sit down. Instead, he just stood in front of me for a moment. "Are you okay?" He asked, suddenly looking a bit concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Although that was kind of a lie. "Better, now that you're here." That wasn't, though. I did feel better with him around.

That's when he finally sat down beside me. He leaned in and gently kissed the bare spot on my shoulder. "You do.. need to.. do something.. about this room.. though." He told me while he slowly kissed higher, until he reached my neck.

I bit my lip softly, feeling my whole body shudder at the touch of his lips. "You could help me with that, right?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side, giving him more space.

I felt him move around on the bed while he kissed my neck, and for a moment, I was lost. I felt one of his hands run up my back and into my hair as he then kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back as he shifted around until I was underneath him.

Kissing Vic was the best thing in the world. Though he was the only one I had ever really kissed, I just knew that there wasn't anyone out there who could kiss better than he could.

Our tongues danced around in each other's mouths and it just felt like pure heaven. We hadn't taken it any further though. He knew I just wasn't ready for that yet, and luckily he was okay with that.

After making out for, lord only knows how long, Vic pulled away and lay himself down beside me. We were both kinda out of breath, but it felt amazing. He wrapped an arm around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. "I could just stay right here for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy." Vic whispered with a satisfied sigh.

I giggled softly as I let my finger trace circles on his arm. "What about your band?" I playfully asked him. "Can't just give up on that."

"Oh I might get out of bed for that, maybe once a month or so. Or we could just practice right here, do shows right here... then I'd never have to leave you." He mumbled dreamily.

"You're sweet... and kind of an idiot." I stated jokingly.

"Yeah, but you like that about me." He said with a grin as he moved up and kissed me again. We made out for yet another few minutes, until we both pulled away again.

"It's the only thing I like about you." I told him as I ran my fingers through his hair.

Vic chuckled and shook his head. "Well aren't you sweet." He muttered sarcastically before he buried his face into my chest. I held him closely and giggled silently.

For a while we just laid there and nothing else in the world mattered to us. We held each other and softly sang any random song that came up in our heads. And it was perfect. What could ever go wrong, right?

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