Chapter 10

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"What have you been brooding over all week?" Austin suddenly asked as he joined Hayley and me outside at one of the lunch tables.

"Nothing." I muttered, prying my fork around in my little plastic bowl of fruit.

"Don't bother, Austin. She won't tell me either." Hayley mentioned.

I dropped my fork onto the table and groaned as I threw my head back. Fine

"Can you really tell by kissing someone that they're a virgin?" I finally decided to throw out. Meanwhile I wasn't even sure why this was bothering me so much. But it did.

Austin started chuckling a little. "Why? Did you make out with someone and make him cum in his pants?" He asked as he nudged me in the side playfully.

"No!" I exclaimed, disgusted by the mere idea of it and knowing that I was now blushing lightly. Both Austin and Hayley kept staring at me questioningly, waiting for an answer. 

I sighed and mustered up the courage to tell them... sort of. "Let's just say that there's this girl and this guy, right- he's somehow convinced that she's a virgin but she didn't think it was any of his business to know. So the guy kisses the girl, for way longer than he should, and... and when she finally gets him off he claims to know just by kissing her- that she's a virgin."

"This girl being you, I take it." Austin then observed with a serious face. "And this guy being...?" Ugh there was no way I could fool him.

"My roommate. Vic." I murmured sourly.

"You made out with Vic?!" Hayley then suddenly yelled in shock.

I immediately jumped at her and covered her mouth with my hand, looking around frantically. Dear god, I hoped no one had heard her. Damnit, Hayley... "I didn't make out with him! He just kissed me!" I whisper-yelled at her.

Austin chuckled and shook his head. "There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, Chelsea. Don't get your panties in a twist over what he might've said to you."

"What's going on in my panties is not anyone's business, thank you very much." I snapped as I then finally let go of Hayley and sat back down on the bench.

"Do you- do you like him?" She then asked. 

Again I was ready to fly at her and slap her silly for even asking me that. Of course I didn't like Vic! He pretty much annoyed me from the very beginning. He had his good moments, sure, but I was never going to trust him again after kissing me and fucking with my head the way he had.

"I think you need to start running for you life, Hayley." Austin joked as he poked my heated with fury cheek. "It looks like she's gonna blow."

I slapped Austin's hand away from my face and sighed. "I don't like him, okay? It's just a little frustrating. I never thought it was such a big deal." I muttered softly.

"Hey well, I'm the same, Chels." Hayley then whispered, trying to lighten the mood.

"Besides." Austin then added, smiling sweetly at both of us. "It's better to be ready and... 'do it' when you find someone special. Would you believe me if I told you that before Jenna, I was a virgin too?"

My jaw dropped as I looked at him in disbelief. "No fucking way." I exclaimed, making him laugh instantly. "Have you seen yourself, Austin? You're fucking hot! How is that even possible?" I felt no shame in telling him that, to be honest.

He simply shrugged and smiled. "It was a choice."

I supposed that Austin had a point. And if he could manage all this time not having sex with anyone and not be pestered for it, so could I... right? Well, I wasn't exactly hot. Hell in my opinion I wasn't even attractive at all. Which in my case was probably the reason why, and not so much the it-being-a-choice thing. But it didn't really matter. I wasn't planning on sleeping around anyways, hot or not.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me into a hug. "Thanks for the flowers, Chel-bell." I turned my head to see it was Jenna. It had to be her; she was the only one who called me that anyways.

"I um- no, that was all Austin." I mumbled, trying to sound as convincingly as I could.

She giggled and let me go, then plumped herself down onto Austin's lap. "Oh please, I know he's charming and all, but he never could've known." She simply stated as she smiled at him. He snaked his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck. God, they were honestly too cute together. If Ash were here she would probably say it was almost nauseating.

Speaking of nauseating things... I turned towards Hayley and narrowed my eyes at her. "How come I haven't heard you complain about your roommates even once? I mean you can't tell me that those two haven't pulled anything on you yet."

Her cheeks turned a rosy red as she smiled. "They've actually been pretty nice to me, to be honest... especially Alex." She admitted.

"Define being nice, Hay." I muttered darkly. "Because them sneaking up on me in the girls lockers room to watch me shower isn't exactly nice."

I heard Austin snicker behind me, but I decided to ignore him. Hayley scratched the back of her neck and giggled. "They're just- they're just nice, okay? They, keep the room clean, they help me with my homework and Alex has kind of asked me out on a date." She nervously played with her hair as she told me.

My jaw dropped when she mentioned the last part. "Alex asked you out?!" I exclaimed, totally shocked. "But what about Kellin?!"

Hayley shrugged and began to chew on her lip. "I don't know. I'm kinda invisible to Kellin... Alex doesn't treat me like I'm invisible."

Oh she was so obviously into him, and it was cute to be honest. Man I was surely going to end up being the only single girl on campus. I laughed softly to myself. As if that even mattered? 

I hoped Alex would indeed treat her right. Kellin was great and all, but he had a weird taste in girls... if any? I didn't even really know. But Hayley obviously wasn't his type- and neither was I. Thank god for small favors. 

"So... camp is in a few weeks." Jenna then suddenly started. "Are you two signing up?" She asked the both of us.

Hayley shook her head. "Nah my parents are taking me to Greece for the week."

"And you?" Jenna then asked me. "Hardly any of the girls are going. Please say that you will?"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Fine, I'll go." It wasn't like I had anything better to do on my week off than hang around with my classmates. Ugh. This better be good.

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