Chapter 23

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About a week had gone by since Vic's, and my, confession to each other. It had been a pretty awkward week to be honest. We didn't really talk much and half of the time we'd either avoid each other or blush like mad. Of course Tony had picked up on that, but I was guessing that Vic hadn't told anyone about what he had said to me. Well, apart from Mike then. But something told me that he had known all along.

"So he literally said 'I think I'm in love with you' like- literally?" Kellin asked as we entered yet another of the dress shops in town.

"Yep, literally." I muttered below my breath.

"I remember there was a time when you said there was no way you could like him." Hayley then pointed out, staring at me with a mischievous smile.

"Yeah well, shit changed, okay? Just like you suddenly got over Kells here and went after one of the pervy twins."

"Alex is not a perv!" Hayley suddenly yelled out in a growl.

Everyone in the store practically dropped what they were doing and turned to look at us. Kellin started snickering and I couldn't help but to laugh a little either. "Oh right, because sneaking up on girls in the shower is totally not perverted."

"Whatever." Hayley muttered.

"Right girls, let's just do what we're here for and get on with it, okay? Why did I even let you two convince me into coming with you?" Kellin then mumbled, rummaging through the countless of dresses that hung from the wall.

"Because you have an impeccable sense of style, mister Quinn." I joked playfully. Kellin simply laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

After hours and hours of shopping, Hayley finally found her perfect dress for the dance. I had already gotten mine some time ago, but no one had to know about that just yet. Hayley's dress was typically her; bright, happy colors, a flowy skirt and god only knows what other shenanigans. She was totally in love with it. And thank the lord; it meant that we were done for the day.

Back at home I was glad that my brother was having a good weekend. He didn't smoke crap, he didn't drink and he didn't act out. My mother on the other hand was somewhat on the nervous side, but when I'd ask her what was up, she'd just smile and tell me everything was fine. Like most of us women do.

After we had dinner together, the doorbell suddenly rang. My mother nervously shot up from her chair, but put up a fake smile when she noticed both Bren and me looking at her curiously. "Could you get that, Chelsea?" She then asked me, before scurrying off into the kitchen.

"Has mom been drinking?" Brendon muttered below his breath. I snickered and gave him a soft shove. "What? She's acting weird!" He exclaimed.

I sighed and nodded as I thought about it for a moment. Mom wasn't being mom. I really wondered what the heck was up with that. "Yeah... she is." I whispered thoughtfully before I got up and made my way to the front door.

I pushed the thought away for a moment and smiled as I opened the door. "Oh hell no, you're not going to the party in that." It was Jenna, looking at me full of judgment and amusement.

"Uh, what party?" I asked her, completely dumbfounded.

"Mike's party!" Jenna exclaimed, as if I was supposed to know about it. I raised an eyebrow and just kept staring at her. I honestly hadn't heard about any party. At all. Jenna groaned and rolled her eyes. "Mike's having a huge party at his house. He's not really 'invited' anyone, but everyone is allowed to come, so we're going."

"Why aren't you going with Austin?" I then simply asked.

She shrugged and pushed herself past me. "He's not feeling so good, so I'm taking you and that's final. Now let's change that outfit of yours."

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