Chapter 9

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"I don't think, that in all these years, I've ever seen you with anyone, Chelsea." Vic randomly observed as we went over Spanish homework in our dorm room.

"Gee Vic, I'm glad you still remember my actual name." I joked sarcastically. Which I probably shouldn't have.

"Don't ignore what I was saying." Vic then continued, throwing his textbook onto the small table in front of our couch. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

I looked up from my book and stared at him skeptically. "Of course I have." Not that I took middle school and high school 'relationships' very seriously and had actually never done anything, but he didn't have to know that.

"Then how come you don't now?" I honestly didn't want to have this conversation. Besides, he didn't have a girlfriend either. Quite frankly, it was just none of his business. But luckily we were interrupted by a stumbling Tony barging into the dorm room.

"H-Hey, g-uys." He murmured, an obvious slur in his voice as he then gulped.

Vic sighed and rolled his eyes. "Did you go drinking with my brother again? I told you that was a bad idea."

"Whatever, mom." Tony mumbled sounding slightly irritated. "I just need sleep and I'll be aaaall good." He then added, dragging out his 'all' as we watched him fall over right in front of his bed.

Vic groaned in annoyance but I couldn't help but to laugh. He dragged himself off the couch and went over to Tony, grabbed him and lifted him onto his bed. "Would you mind getting a bucket ready for when he wakes up?" Vic then asked me.

I simply nodded as I walked into the kitchen area to grab one and then went over to Tony's bed to put it by his side. "Turtle here can't hold his liquor, huh?" I then asked, giggling softly as I watched Vic take off Tony's shirt and pants and tuck him in.

"Nope. But I'm kinda guessing you can't either." He told me with a slight smirk.

"Well you'll have to find that out at the bonfire." Although I honestly had no clue if I could hold my liquor. As I had mentioned before, I wasn't much of a drinker. Oh well, what better time to find out than during college, right?

Vic and I sat back on the couch. Being so done with homework, I threw away my Spanish textbook and turned on the TV, keeping the volume down so it wouldn't wake Tony.

"But back to our earlier conversation." Vic then started after a moment of silence. I sighed, throwing the TV controls beside me as I faced him. "I think you are a lot more innocent than you lead on. You hardly drink; therefor I doubt you ever did drugs. I've never seen you with a guy so I'm totally convinced you're a virgin too."

I let my jaw drop as I stared at him. He remained serious but I couldn't believe what he was insinuating. "Just because I don't sleep around doesn't make me a—" But before I could even finish my sentence I was cut off by Vic's lips crashing onto mine.

Immediately I froze, staring at Vic's closed eyes as he moved his lips on mine, pressing them together just lightly. I felt heat rise to my cheeks in an instant. What was he doing?!

Well, kissing me of course, miss obvious.

I argued with myself in my head, totally confused and shocked, not even noticing how Vic had slid me down underneath him while he hovered above me, still keeping his lips locked with mine as he had his hands resting on both my hips. I felt my cheeks heat up even more as his tongue then slid across my bottom lip, begging to enter. But I refused with all my might. 

He pressed his lips down a bit harder, and suddenly my mind wandered off back to the morning I ran into him in the bathroom, causing a weird feeling deep down in my gut. Oh god. Hell no. I groaned softly and started slapping Vic on his chest, ordering him to get off me.

Vic then finally broke away and smirked down at me. "I knew I was right. That's all I wanted to know." He stated in a very cocky tone as he then climbed off me and sat back on the couch with a satisfied smile.

I scrambled myself together and hit his arm a few times in protest. "How dare you just do that!" I practically yelled at him.

Vic chuckled softly and made a shushing noise. "You're gonna wake up Tony yelling like that." He simply said, completely ignoring my small tantrum.

"Does it look like I care?!" I yelled again.

"It was just a kiss, mi gordita." His tone going a creepy kind of seductive for a moment. "Besides, you weren't going to answer me honestly anyway. And now I know."

I crossed my arms and groaned as I sat back on the couch. He was honestly way too amused with himself over this. And I took back what I said; these two weren't cute at all! He better not do that ever again!

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of gagging and coughing coming from across the room. I sat up and looked over to find Tony keeling over the side of his bed, throwing up into the bucket I had placed beside him. Thank god he knew how to aim anyways.

It wasn't long before the smell filled the room and my stomach turned. "Dear god, open a window will ya?!" I exclaimed. Vic then came running in from the bathroom and opened the window near Tony's bed.

"Sorry." I then heard Tony mutter apologetically.

I rolled out of bed and went into the kitchen to make some coffee. "It's fine Turtle. Just please don't throw up on the floor. I really don't want to clean that up." The mere thought of cleaning up vomit made me shiver. I had done it plenty of times in the past for my brother, but it was seriously the worst thing to get out of the carpet.

After getting ready for class, Vic and I left the dorm room. Tony stayed back and called in sick for the day. Though it was his own fault, he was in no state to partake in any classes. I pushed myself past Vic and walked into class for Biology. "Oww." He complained.

I sat down at my table and Vic immediately sat down beside me. "Are you still pissed at me because I kissed you?" He then asked.

"Shut up, Fuentes!" I whisper-yelled at him. "Yes I'm still pissed. Now shut up about it before someone hears."

He chuckled softly and grinned, scanning through his book ever so casually. "Oh come on, you can't tell me that you didn't like it at least a little."

I groaned below my breath and faced him. "Fine. You're a good kisser. Is that what you want to hear? Are you happy now?" I asked, still whispering aggressively.

"Okay, relax, I won't do it again... unless you want to, of course." The way he said it just really made me want to slap that grin right off his face. I grabbed my book and smacked it against the back of his head instead. "Message received. Sheesh."


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