Chapter 11

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It was a calm and quiet Saturday morning and I had decided to stay on campus for the weekend. I had just taken a shower and dressed myself into some sweatpants and an old Queen tanktop, threw my hair into a quick messy bun and gathered everything so I could do my laundry.

"Buenos dias, guapa." Vic's familiar voice called out as he entered our dorm room.

Great, he had gone from calling me chubby to calling me beautiful. I could only assume that must've been sarcasm.  The little shit. 

"Yeah, hi. What are you doing here?" I decided to ask him. I wasn't actually interested, just confused. As far as I was aware, he was never on campus during the weekends.

"Well it's my room, too. I have the right to be here." He retorted, arching a single eyebrow as he eyed me from head to toe.

I shook my head a little and sighed. That's totally not what I meant, and he knew it. Acting dumb wasn't his style. "Well anyways, I have stuff to do—" I trailed off as I noticed something weird about Vic. He was wearing a simple gray muscle shirt and some bright pink polka dotted shorts... which looked all too familiar. "Wait. Are- are those my shorts?" I asked as I pointed down at them.

Vic glanced down at himself and then looked back up at me with an amused smile. "Yeah, sorry, all of my boxers are in the wash." He told me sincerely as he scratched the back of his neck.

I gasped, feeling my cheeks heat up in an instant. "Oh my god! You're walking around commando in my shorts?!" I then squealed at him.

Vic then lowered his hands to the brim of the shorts and furrowed his brows. "You want them back?" He asked, honestly sounding way too serious as he almost started to take them off.

"Dear god no!" I exclaimed as I scrunched my nose in disgust and quickly grabbed the last of my laundry, trying to avoid looking at him in case he did already take them off. "Just keep them or burn them when you're done or whatever." I shuddered at the idea and quickly walked out of the dorm room, hearing Vic chuckle as I left.

I walked down towards the laundry room but stopped when I heard the sound of a guitar being played coming from a bit further down the hall. It wasn't long before I heard singing and my curiosity took over. "I open my lungs, dearI sing this song at funerals, no rushthese lyrics heard a thousand times, just plush." I recognized that it was Andy's raspy voice almost instantly and walked over to the corner of the hall to listen some more. "A baby boy you've held so tightlythis pain it visits almost nightlymissing hotel beds I feel your touch."

In all fairness; it sounded amazing. I never heard him sing anything so slow and heartfelt before. I just stood there and watched him as he played and sang, almost mesmerized by the strength of it. "I will await, deara patience of eternity, my crusha universe so still, no rust—no dust will ev...—" He abruptly stopped playing and that's when I noticed he was looking right at me.

I took in a sharp breath and dove behind the wall again. I wasn't even sure why I did that, but in a way I felt like I had been sneaking up on him, so being caught staring just felt stupid. For some reason my heart was beating in my throat, so I quickly stormed off into the laundry room.

I chuckled softly to myself as I realized how I had just reacted. A normal person would've just gone up to the guy and given him a compliment or two. But not me, nope, I had to be awkward. I rolled my eyes as I focused on separating my blacks and my colors, added the jasmine scented detergent that I bought and turned the machines onto the right settings.

In about an hour and a half it would be done to go into the dryer. I threw my empty basket on the ground and left the laundry room, only to bump right into Andy. "Hi there." He whispered as he smiled down at me.

I collected myself and stepped back while he stayed right where he was. "Hi. Sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to look like a creep." I blurted out without thinking.

Andy laughed and reached his hand towards me, moving a lock of hair out of my face and flicking it back over my head. "You are a bit of a creep, aren't you?" He then asked me in an amused tone.

"Just sometimes." I chuckled below my breath, feeling heat creep up the back of my neck. Damn, that happened a lot lately! "Your song... it was beautiful by the way. What's it about?" I then decided to ask.

Andy's brows furrowed as he thought about it, but the smile never left his face. "Oh I used to date this girl, on and off... it was kind of a mess, but eventually I learned to deal with it."

I stared at him questioningly as he ever so casually told his story. "How did you learn to deal with it? Are you two still together?" I wasn't sure why I was being so nosy, but I really just wanted to know. Andy often acted all tough, but it was almost as if he was giving me a peak below the surface, and it drew me in.

"Writing, obviously." Andy simply stated as he suddenly snatched my wrist in his hands. He grinned and turned it over before a look of concern washed over his face. "It's better than doing this." He then pointed out.

I looked down and realized he was talking about the scars that crossed my lower arm. I quickly pulled my arm out of his grasp and hid it behind my back. "That was a long time ago. Everyone makes mistakes." I muttered blankly.

"No, we're not together anymore." His voice sounded amused, making me look up at him questioningly. "Are you always this curious?"

"Just making conversation." More or less anyways. "But I better get back before my Mexican decides to try on more of my clothes." Obviously he had no idea what I was talking about, but he laughed anyways.

"See you around." Andy noted as I started walking off. I swung my arm in the air and waved, not looking back at him as I headed back to my dorm room.

When I entered I saw Vic hunched over, looking through the cabinet below the TV, throwing out most of what was in there. "Uh, you looking for something?" I decided to ask.

"Yeah, actually." Vic started as he rolled over onto his ass and looked up at me. "Show me the best movie you own. I'm bored as fuck, so I got nachos, dip and now I need a movie to go with it."

I rolled my eyes and bent down, reaching into the cabinet and pulling out one of my favorites. I threw it onto Vic's lap and stood back up with my arms crossed. "Coraline?" He muttered as he read the title. "Is it the 3D version?" Sudden excitement piped up his voice.

I frowned questioningly and nodded. "Yeah, it is." I simply told him.

"Fuck yes! This is one of my favorites!" He exclaimed whilst waving his hands in the air. "I thank god for giving you good taste, Chelsea."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Can't really say the same for you." I stated as I pointed at his outfit. His highly pulled up white socks, my bright pink boxers, his gray muscle shirt and dark red beanie were a horrible mix. But then again, I wasn't exactly dressed to impress either. My hair being the worst part.

"Watch this with me?" Vic then asked as he popped the DVD into the player. I simply nodded and plumped down onto the couch as I watched Vic get the nachos and the dip. If he kept this up, the urge of ripping his head off may subside over time.

He sat down beside me on the couch and started the movie. "You're gonna need these, mi gordita." He then pointed out as he threw a pair of 3D glasses onto my lap. Forget what I said; we were back at square one. He called me chubby again. Bad move, Vic.

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